Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Yesterday my brother (bought/was bought me) a new T-shirt. 2. Who (was broken/broke) the vase? 3. Yesterday I was having dinner when my door (was knocked/was knocking). 4. At the moment my car (is polishing/is being polished) by my brother. 5. This car (has been used/has used) by Mr. Smith for 5 years. 6. The early train to Manchester city (leaves/is left) at 6 am tomorrow. 7. No one (has heard/has been heard) about the accident last night. 8. If you work hard, you (will reward/will be rewarded). 9. (Have the police caught/Have the poloce been caught) the thieves yet? 10. Which dress (chose/was chosen) to wear by Jane last night? 11. At this time next month, I (will be visiting/will be visited) London with my family. 12. The children (are looking/are being looked) after by a babysister. 13. You (will be receive/ will receive) a lot of compliments if you win the contest. 14. Jim didn’t realize that his wallet (stole/was stolen) until he came home. 15. (Was you brought/Was you bringing) by your grandparents when you were small? Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau với thể bị động của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì thích hợp. 1. I (usually take) ______________to the cinema by my parents every month. 2. _____________(Jim/inform) of the exact date of the conference? No, he wasn’t. 3. The concert (broadcast)_____________live tomorrow. 4. Yesterday, temparature (forecast) _____________to reach 400C. 5. At this time tomorrow, a birthday cake (make)________ for our best friend Jessy. 6. Who___________(rob) of all the properties last week? 7. All the members ___________(treat) equally in our organization. 8. Nothing (do)_________so far to prepare for the coming storm. 9. When I was small, I often (call) __________by my nickname. 10. Yesterday, Jim was playing with his dog when the doorbell (ring)_____________. 11. What______________(do) so far to lessen the impact of natural disasters? 12. At 8 o’clock yesterday, my brother (feed) __________by my mother while I (look) ____________after by my father. 13. This film (never show) _______________on television before. 14. If you submit your assignment late, you (punish)___________by your teacher. 15. I think more attempts (make) ____________in the future to protect people from natura catastrophes. 16. No feasible solutions to this problem (put)______________forward yet. 17. I don’t think that black café (prefer)_____________by many people. 18. Last week, everyone in my class (snow) _____________under. 19. _______________(these sheep raise) by the local people? 20. Every student (anticipate)______________to finish their essay before the deadline. MỌI NGƯỜI GIÚP E VỚI Ạ , E CẢM ƠN. E SẼ CẢM ƠN VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ NĂM SOA CHO MỌI NGƯỜI NGAY Ạ

2 câu trả lời


1 bought

2 broke 

3 was knocked

4 is polishing

5 has been used

6 leaves

7 has been heard

8 will be rewarded

9 have the police been caught

11 will be visting

12 are looking


1 giữ nguyên

2 was jim inform

3 will broadcast

4 forecast

5 will be making

9 called

10 rang

12 was feeding / was looking


14 will punish

18 snowed



3;was knocked

4:is polisinged

5:has been used

6;is leptons 

7:has hesitate 

8;vill berewards 

9 cái đầu nha

10 ; chosen 

11will be vusited

12 are looking

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