Viết lại câu cho đúng 1. (you / not / run) 2. (why / he / leave?) 3. (how / I / travel?) 4. (it / not / rain) 5. (when / we / arrive?) 6. (where / they / stay?) 7. (it / rain) 8. (she / come at six) 9. (he / watch a film at the moment) 10. (we / not / sleep)

2 câu trả lời

1. ( you / not / run )

--> You are not running.

2. ( why / he / leave ? )

--> Why is he leaving ?

3. ( how / I / travel? )

--> How am I travelling ?

4. ( it / not / rain )

--> It is not rainning.

5. ( when / we / arrive ?)

--> When are we arriving ?

6. ( where / they / stay?)

--> Where are they staying ?

7. ( it / rain )

--> It is rainning.

8. ( she / come at six )

--> She is comming at six.

9. ( he / watch a film at the moment)

--> He is watching a film at the moment.

10. ( we / not / sleep )

--> We are not sleeping

1.You don't run.

2.Why did he leave

3.How can I travel?
4.It isn't rain.

5.When will we arrive?

6.Where do they stay?

7.It's rain.

8.She will come at six.

9.He is watching a film at the moment.

10.We are not sleep.

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