Task 3: Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the box. medical rescue property homeless mudslide supplies volcanic severe tropical destroyed 1. Thousands of people were left homeless after the volcanic eruption. 2. Without more food and medical supplies, these people will surely not survive. 3. The paper showed a picture of people sleeping on the streets after the food. 4. Most of the old part of the city was by bombs during the war. 5. The victims of tsunami are being provided first aid by the team. 6. Lots of residents’ will be damaged if the tsunami comes. 7. We are preparing adequate for the victims of the typhoon. 8. Most natural disasters can cause damage to humans. 9. Have tropical storms ever happened in this country? 10. The buried five trucks and a warehouse this early morning

2 câu trả lời

1, Làm rồi

2, supplies

3, homeless

4, destroyed

5, rescue

6, property

7, medical

8, severe 

9, tropical 

10, mudslide

1. vocanic.   2.rescue.       3.mudslide

4.destroyed : phá hủy.         5.tropical

6.homeless người vô gia cư(réident homeless nhà ở cho n vô gia cư )


8.medical.      9.supplies.       10.severe

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