đặt câu bị động với cấu trúc thể truyền khiến rồi chuyển lại sang chủ động +) tell/ask/order+sb+to do sth get/hire/employ+sb+to do sth ở trên là 6 động từ làm được nhìu thì càng tốt nha :3

1 câu trả lời

1. he was told to do the housework by his mother

=> his mother told him to do the housework

2. she is asked to sent the letter for thu 

=> thu asks her to sent the letter for her 

3. they are ordered to follow the rules by the teacher

=> the teacher orders them to follow the rules 

4. he was got to do the chores by his mother

=> his mother get him to do the chores

5. tam is hired to search for the missing boy

=> they hire tam to search for the missing boy

6. an was employed to do the front office work

=> the company employed an to do the front office work

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