1. Combine two sentences into one, using the words given in the brackets a. Ha does morning exercises regularly. He want to be healthy ( so as to ) b. You have to wear warm clothes. You won't catch a cold (in order to ) c. I'll write to Mai. I want to invite her to my birthday party ( to) d. I'm learning English. I want to read books in English ( in order to) e. He hurried up to the station. He didn't want to miss the train( so as to)

2 câu trả lời

a. Ha does morning exercises so as to be healthy

b. You have to wear warm clothes in order not to catch a cold

c. I'll write to Mai to invite her to my birthday party

d. I'm learning Englishin order to read books in English

e. He hurried up to the stationso as not to miss the train

a.Ha does morning exercises regularly so as to be healthy.

b)You have to wear warm clothes in order to not catch a cold.

c)I'll write to Mai to invite her to my birthday party.

d)I'm learning English in order to read books in English.

e)He hurried up to the station so as to not miss the train.

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