There’ll never be a better atmosphere 1, _____________ Wales than when they’ve just beaten England in the rugby. Rugby is Wales’ national 2, _____________ , a lifestyle and a game for the every man rather than the wealthy as it is elsewhere. Rugby has also 3, _____________ been a way for the Welsh to get their own back over the English, who have historically dominated them. 4, ______________ , player Phil Bennett best summed up the feeling with his infamous pre-game pep talk: “Look what these bastards have done to Wales. They’ve taken our coal, our water, our steel. They buy our homes and live in them for a fortnight every year. What have they given us? Absolutely nothing. We’ve been exploited, controlled and punished by the English – and that’s who you are playing this afternoon.” 1, a. to b. at c. on d. in 2, a. festival b. custom c. problem d. sport 3, a. tradition b. traditional c. traditions d. traditionally 4, a. Although b. Otherwise c. However d. Therefore

2 câu trả lời





1. a. to

2. d. sport

3. d. traditionally

4. c. However

Nhớ vote cho mk 5*, cho câu TLHN nha! Thank bạn nhìu

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