IV. Use the correct form of the verbs and the words in bracket. 1. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor ________ . (convenient) 2. What’s a ________? It’s a substance that contaminates something. (pollute) 3. Astronomers are concerned about light because they have ________ in viewing activities in the sky and out space. (difficult) 4. Water samples collected at these villages were seriously ________ with bacterial. (contaminate) 5. It is ________ for all people who join the festival to wear white clothes. (obligated) 6. A number of cleaning products contain ________ chemicals. (harm) 7. Most schools organise ________ events for the students. (society) 8. Some alterations to our original plans might be ________. (need) 9. The programme was about customs in ________ parts of the country. (difference) 10. Terraced rice fields in Sa Pa are slopes claimed for ________ cultivation in hilly or areas. (mountain) 11. That fierce storm left behind badly ________ buildings. (damage) 12. Light pollution makes us ________ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 13. Many seabirds were ________ because of the oil spill. (die) 14. Waste from households will gradually ________ the lake. (contamination) 15. Viet Nam is a country of tremendous ________ with 54 ethnic groups. (diverse) 16. Fish and many other animals are killed by ________ in their habitat. (pollute) 17. ________ habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 18. Scientists say that exhaust fumes are ________ our city. (poison) 19. The dancers were wearing ________ Hungarian costume. (tradition) 20. Noise is considers as ________ pollution. (environment)

2 câu trả lời

1/ convenience

2/ polution

3/ difficulty

4/ contamination

5/ obligate( ko chắc)

6/ harmful


8/ neccessary

9/ different

10/ moutainous


12/ capable

13/ died

14/ contaminate


16/ pollution

17/ natural

18/ poisonous

19/ traditional

20/ environmental

IV. Use the correct form of the verbs and the words in bracket.
Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor ____incovenience ( sự bất tiện)____  .                        (convenient)
What’s a ___pollutant ( chất thải) _____? It’s a substance that contaminates something.        (pollute)
Astronomers are concerned about light because they have ___difficult_____ in viewing activities in the sky and out space. (difficult)   ( have difficult in doing st: gặp khó khăn trong vc gì)
Water samples collected at these villages were seriously ____contaminated (adv+v)____ with bacterial. (contaminate)
It is ___obligatory (adj/ bắt buộc) _____ for all people who join the festival to wear white clothes. (obligated)
A number of cleaning products contain ____harmful (adj)____ chemicals.                          (harm)
Most schools organise ____social ( xã hội)____ events for the students.                             (society)
Some alterations to our original plans might be ___needed_____.                              (need)
The programme was about customs in ____different____ parts of the country. (difference)
Terraced rice fields in Sa Pa are slopes claimed for ___mountainous( adj)_____ cultivation in hilly or areas. (mountain)
That fierce storm left behind badly ___damaged (adv+v) _____ buildings.                      (damage)
Light pollution makes us ____unable ( ko thể/ ko có khả năng )____ to see the stars in the sky.                        (able)
Many seabirds were ____died____ because of the oil spill.                                  (die)
Waste from households will gradually ____contaminated____ the lake.         (contamination)
Viet Nam is a country of tremendous ___diversity_____ with 54 ethnic groups. (diverse)
Fish and many other animals are killed by ___being polluted_____ in their habitat. (pollute)
___natural (adj) _____ habitats have been destroyed in recent years.                               (nature)
Scientists say that exhaust fumes are ____poisoned____ our city.                       (poison)
The dancers were wearing ____traditional ( adj)____ Hungarian costume.                           (tradition)
Noise is considers as ____eviromental ( adj )____ pollution.                                              (environment)

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