iết 1 đoạn văn về Lễ hội ở Việt Nam mà bạn thích nhất ( theo mẫu Hướng dẫn ở bài 4/trang 55/ sách giao khoa)

2 câu trả lời

Mid-Autumn Festival is an interesting traditional holiday. Every year, on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, when the full moon shines at night. the Mid-Autumn Festival is mainly an occasion for children to have fun and enjoy their most joyful time of the year. Parents often buy star-shaped lanterns for their children. For me, Mid-Autumn Festival is an opportunity for me to remember my childhood and feel young again.

In the early days of spring, my village excitedly organizes a spring festival with exciting fun activities. In which, the most anticipated is the third day of the spring festival: wrestling festival.Wrestling Day is the day when wrestlers compete to find the strongest. To prepare for this festival, the players worked hard all year long. The list and order of competition were selected and arranged fairly through the draw from the previous month. Although it is only a village contest, not everyone who wants to take the exam can take it. The jury will agree on the criteria of body shape, skills and competition history to select those who are qualified to compete at the festival.On the festival, people flock to see a lot, even people from other countries. They gathered around the field, engrossed in watching and cheering enthusiastically. Some people even came home that day with a hoarse voice. On the sandy field, each pair of gladiators began to enter the field. They left themselves naked, wearing loincloths - the folk costumes of the ancient Vietnamese. After the referee's drum signal, they rushed into each other, holding their shoulders, holding their feet, trying to wrestle each other down. All powers and techniques are put to use. Soon everyone was sweating, shining in the hot spring sun. In the end, there will be winners and losers, but everyone has a happy smile on their lips. Because they come to the contest to exchange and get acquainted with like-minded people, not just for the reward. For me, wrestling day is my favorite festival. Because it has given me fresh enthusiasm, it has given me more motivation to train myself.

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