Giáo án Tiếng anh 7 Friends Plus Unit 3 THE PAST

Week: Planning date:







  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: (adj) boring / exciting, poor / rich, dead / alive, familiar / uncommon, awful / brave, useful / useless, cruel / kind, brilliant / terrible, popular / unpopular, enormous / tiny

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to give an opinion on past events and order events in the past using sequencing words.
  2. Skills:

Main skills : reading and listening skills.

Sub skills : speaking and writing skills.

4. Attitude: be confident to talk about events in the past.

  1. Competences:

Talk about the events in the past.

Express what students like and don’t like.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, powerpoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Qs& As, games, visualize….





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

Like and dislike

- Divide the board into two columns. Draw happy face for Like and sad face for Don’t like.

- Provide some objects, animals and names of famous people such as motorbike, Michael Jackson, etc. and ask students to put them into the appropriate column.

- Ask some students to tell the class about what they like and don’t like.

- Put the objects and names into the suitable column.

- Report to the class.

Suggested answer:

I like my dog.

I don’t like coffee.

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

Set context:

  • Read the questions with the class, ‘How many years are there in a century? How many centuries are there in a millennium?’ and elicit the answers.
  • Review how to say years from different centuries, eg. 1865, 1288, 1602.
  • Lead to the topic – The Past

Teach new vocabulary:

  • Use pictures and explanations to present new words.
  • Ask students to practice their pronunciation drills.

New words:

Century (n)

Millennium (n)

Timeline (n)

Slavery (n)

Victory (n)

Invade (v)

Invent (v)

Rule (v.)

Human sacrifice (n)

VIP (very important person)

  • Some students volunteer to answer the questions.
  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Look, listen and repeat in chorus and individuals

Suggested answers:

There are 100 years in a century and 1,000 years in a millennium.

1865: eighteen sixty-five (19th century)

1288: twelve eighty-eight (13th century)

1602: sixteen oh two (17th century)

New words:

Century (n) /ˈsentʃəri/

Millennium (n) /mɪˈleniəm/

Timeline (n) /ˈtaɪmlaɪn/

Slavery (n) /ˈsleɪvəri/

Victory (n) /ˈvɪktəri/

Invade (v) /ɪnˈveɪd/

Invent (v) /ɪnˈvent/

Rule (v.) /ruːl/

Human sacrifice / ˈhjuːmən ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.

Activity 1 (5’) Look at A short history of the Millennium and complete the timeline with paragraphs A-E.

  • Focus on the text and elicit that it is a timeline (a way of showing historical events in order).
  • Ask students to work in pairs to read the text and complete the timeline.
  • Check answers with class.

Activity 2 (5’) Complete the short history with the correct blue adjectives. Listen and check.

  • Ask students to choose the correct adjectives to complete the text.
  • Allow students time to compare their answers in pairs, then play the audio for them to listen and check their answers.
  • Check students’ answers and check that students understand all the adjectives.

Activity 3 (2’) Read People from the Past. Find five adjectives from A short history of the Millennium.

- Focus on the People from the past text and check students understand that these are based on fictional interviews with people from the past.

- Read out the first quote and elicit the adjective from the timeline (familiar).

- Ask students to read the rest of the text and find four more adjectives.

- Check answers with the class.

Activity 4 (3’) Watch or listen to the people. Which question from the interview does each person answer?

  • Point out the five questions in the People from the past text.
  • Play the video or audio for students to watch or listen and decide which question each person is answering.
  • Check answers with the class.
  • Work in pairs to read the paragraphs and complete the timeline.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Choose the correct adjectives to complete the text.
  • Compare the answers.
  • Listen and check the answers.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Read People from the past text and find out more adjectives.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

  • Pay attention to the five questions in the People from the past text.
  • Watch the video or listen to the audio and decide which question each person is answering.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers

A 17th century

B 20th century

C 18th century

D 15th century

E 14th century

Suggested answers:

1. exciting

2. rich

3. dead

4. scary

5. brave

6. useless

7. brilliant

8. cruel

9. popular

10. enormous

Suggested answers:

1. familiar

2. enormous

3. exciting

4. terrible

5. useful

Suggested answers:

1. a person who you admire

2. the place where you live

3. your favorite invention

4. a game or activity you like

5. something you really don’t like

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.

  • Activity 1 (5’) Watch or listen again and complete the Key phrases.
  • Allow students time to read the key phrases.
  • Play the video or audio again for students to complete the phrases.
  • Check the answers with the class.
  • Activity 2 (10’) Use it!
  • Allow students time to prepare their answers individually.
  • Remind them to use some of the key phrases.
  • Put them into pairs to ask and answer the interview questions. Remind them to ask ‘Why’ to learn more information.
  • Ask some students to tell the class something about their partner.
  • Read the key phrases.
  • Watch or listen again to complete the phrases.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Prepare their answers individually.
  • Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
  • Tell the class something about their partner.

Suggested answers:

1. my bike

2. getting up early in the mornings

3. living here

4. Lewis Hamilton

5. tennis

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all the new words.
  • Workbook: page 24.
  • Prepare Lesson 2 – Reading.









Week: Planning date:







  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to understand the general idea of the text.

  1. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : listening and speaking skills.
  1. Attitude: Feel confident to understand the general idea of a text.
  2. Competences:
  • know how to answer specific questions about the text.
  • use vocabulary items related to the issue of passage.
  • identify the main topics in a text.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, discussion, questions and answers, Skills Strategy, project-based learning.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

Exciting or Boring?

- Show some places.

- Ask students to vote which places are exciting and which places are boring. Ask them why.

- Or ask students to work in pairs or groups to decide which places are exciting and which places are boring.

- Ask some students to tell their opinions.

  • Listen to the instructions carefully.
  • Vote which places are exciting and which places are boring
  • Or work in pairs or groups to decide which places are exciting and which places are boring.
  • Tell the class what they think about these places and why.

Suggested answer:

Students’ own answers

II. PRE-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv.(10’)

- Put students into small groups to discuss their ideas about an exciting place and a boring place for a school trip. Remind them think about the reasons for their answers.

- Ask some students to tell the class about their answers.

"Think of an exciting place and a boring place for a school trip”

  • Work in groups and talk about the places for a school trip.
  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Talk in front of the class.


"Think of an exciting place and a boring place for a school trip”

Students' own answers

III. WHILE READING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.(20’)

  • Activity 1 (10’) Look at the photos on page 36. Answer the questions. Then read the reports and check the answers.
  • Focus on the photos and elicit what they show (royal clothes, dinosaur bones, a car).
  • Ask students to think of the answers for the three following questions before reading the text.
  • Put students into pairs to look at the photos and answer the questions.
  • Ask students to read the reports and check the answers in pairs.
  • Check answers with the class.

• Activity 2 (5’) Read and listen to the reports. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

  • Allow students time to read the gapped sentences, then play the audio.
  • Ask students read and listen and complete the sentences.
  • Check answers with the class.

• Activity 3 (5’) VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the words in blue in the text.

  • Ask students to use a dictionary to check the meaning of the blue words.
  • With stronger classes, you could encourage students to try to guess the meaning from the context first, then check in a dictionary.
  • Check that students understand all the words.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs to look at the photos and answer the questions.

- Read the reports and check the answers in pairs.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Read the gapped sentences.

- Listen and complete the sentences.

- Check answers with the teacher.

  • Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the blue words.
  • Check answers with the teacher.

Suggested answer:

1. royal clothes, dinosaur bones, cars

2. Vietnamese royal clothes in the 19th century, dinosaur bones from 150 million years ago, a car from 1964

3. Students’ own answers

Suggested answers

1. royal clothing

2. fancy

3. café, Natural History Museum

4. Diplodocus, Tyrannosaurus Rex

5. farm

6. Bluebird, Motor

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

IV. POST READING.T - Ss - T/ S- S / Indiv. (10’)

  • Activity: (10') Use it! Work in pairs. Which of the museums on the website do you think is the most interesting? Where is it? What is in it?

- Allow students time to prepare their answers to the questions individually and then discuss the questions in pairs.

- Ask some students to tell the class about museums that they and their partner think are interesting.

- Give comments.

  • Think about the question individually
  • Take turns to talk about the question in pairs or groups.
  • Ask the teacher if necessary.


“Which of the museums on the website do you think is the most interesting? Where is it? What is in it?”

Suggested answer:

Students' own answers

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes.
  • Learn by heart all the new words.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 28
  • Prepare Lesson 3 – was / were; there was / there were





Week: Planning date:







  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

- Patterns:

  • Was / Were; There was / There were

Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write about significant events in the past.

  1. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: feel confident to describe past events.
  2. Competences:
  • Identify the rules of how to use Was / Were and There was / There were.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group work.





  1. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Ask some students to make a circle.
  • The first person says, Last Sunday, I was at a coffee shop. The second person repeats the first sentence and adds one more idea, such as Last Sunday, I was at a coffee shop and I was at a cinema.
  • The students in a circle take turns to play the game. Anyone who cannot say the previous sentence will lose the game. At the end, who still stays in the circle will be the winner.
  • Play the game.

Suggested answer:

Students’ own answers

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

Lead – in: (2’)

  • Ask what students can remember about the museum reports on page 30. Elicit a few ideas, then ask: When was Mai in the History Museum of Ho Chi Minh City? How old were the royal clothes?
  • Elicit answers and write on the board: Mai was in the History Museum of Ho Chi Minh City last week. The royal clothes were from the 19th century.
  • Underline was and were and elicit that they are the past forms of is and are.
  • Introduce the new lesson Was / Were, There was / There were”

Activity 1: (5’)

Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t and weren’t. Check your answers in the text on page 36. Complete the Rules using the correct form of was and were.

- Ask students to complete the sentences check the answers in the text on page 36.

- Check answers with the class.

- Ask students to look at the sentences in Exercise 1 and then complete the Rules.

Activity 2: (3’) There was / There were

Choose the correct words.

  • Ask students to choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
  • Check answers with the class and elicit that we use there was to talk about one person or thing in the past, and we use there were to talk about more than one person or thing.
  • Answer the question individually.
  • Look at the board and listen to the teacher.
  • Use dictionary if necessary.
  • Complete the sentences with the words in the box and check the answers in the text on page 36.

-Choose the correct words in the Rules.

- Check the answers with the teacher.

- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answer:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answer:

1 was

2 weren’t

3 wasn’t

4 were

5 Was / was


1 were

2 wasn’t

3 was

4 was




I / He / She / It + Was / Wasn’t

We / You / They + Were / Weren’t

Eg.: His friends were at the park last Sunday.

My dad was at home last week.

Suggested answer:

1. was

2. were

3. wasn’t

4. weren’t



There was / wasn’t + S (singular)

There were / weren’t + S (plural)

Eg.: There was a bicycle from the 18th century.

There were interesting book exhibits last week.

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’)

Activity 3: (7’) Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t and weren’t.

  • Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.
  • Check answers with the class.

Activity 4: (7’) Write questions and short answers for the sentences in Exercise 3.

  • Read out the example and elicit another example.
  • Ask students to write the remaining questions and answers.
  • Check answers with the class.

Activity 5: (6’) Write sentences about an event in your town/city last year. Use There was and There were.

  • Elicit some ideas for events that students could write about.
  • Ask students to write their sentences.
  • Ask some students to read their sentences to the class. Correct any errors.
  • Discuss as a class which events were fun, and which were boring.
  • Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Give another example.
  • Write the remaining questions and answers.

- Check answers with the teacher.

  • Give some ideas for events.
  • Write some sentences.
  • Read the sentences to the class.
  • Discuss with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1. wasn’t

2. wasn’t

3. were

4. Was, was

5. Were, weren’t

Suggested answers:

1 Was the clothing exhibition boring? No, it wasn’t.

2. Was Bluebird a motorbike? No, it wasn’t.

3. Was the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to 1945? Yes, it was.

4. Was the Natural History Museum interesting? Yes, it was.

5. Were the dinosaurs unpopular? No, they weren’t.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers.

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (6’) Use it! Write questions with was and were and the words in the box. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

Activity 6:

  • Read out the first gapped question and elicit the full question form.
  • Ask students to write the remaining questions.
  • Ask some students to read the questions to the class. Correct any errors.
  • Allow students time to prepare their answers to the questions individually, then put them into pairs to ask and answer them.

- Answer the teacher’s question.

  • Write the remaining questions.
  • Read the questions to the class.
  • Prepare the answers to the questions individually, then ask and answer them in pairs.
  • Listen to the teacher’s feedback and take notes.

Suggested sentences:

1. Where were

2. Who was

3. Who was

4. When was

5. When was

6. When was

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes.

V. Homework

  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Workbook: page 25
  • Prepare the next lesson: VOCABULARY AND LISTENING.



Week: Planning date:







  1. Language contents:

- Common Verbs: met, helped, explored, saw, travelled, visited, stayed, watched, went, found, looked, took, came, had, gave, felt, left

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to describe a journey.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : listening and reading skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and writing skills.
  1. Attitude: feel free to talk about a journey in the past.
  2. Competences:
  • Identify some phrases using to describe journey.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
  2. Students: textbooks, notebooks.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, discussion, pair – work.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

There was / There were

  • Show the class some objects like a book, a ruler, a pen, two pencils, etc.
  • After that, take the objects away.
  • Ask students to recall the objects by saying There was a book on the table, There were some pencils, etc.
  • Or teacher can divide the class into two groups. The group with the most correct objects will be the winner.

- Follow the instructions to play the game.

  • Check with the teacher.

Suggested answers.

Students’ own answers

II. PRE-LISTENING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (10’)

Set context: (3’)

- Read out the questions Where in a past time do you want to go? Why? Elicit a few possible answers.

- Put students into pairs to discuss the questions

- Ask some pairs to tell the class their ideas and reasons.

- Discuss as a class where it would be interesting to go and why.

Activity 1: Read Jade’s time travel diary. Choose the correct verbs. Then listen and check. (7’)

  • Read out the first diary extract and elicit the correct verbs.
  • Ask students to read the rest of the text and choose the correct verbs.
  • Play the audio for students to listen and check their answers.
  • Check the answers with the class and check that students understand all the verbs.
  • Answer with their own ideas.
  • Work in pairs to discuss the questions.
  • Tell the class.
  • Answer the questions from teacher.
  • Read the rest of the text and choose the correct verbs.
  • Listen to the audio and check the answers.

- Check the answers with the teacher.


Where in the past time do you want to go? Why?

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers:

1. met 2. helped 3. explored 4. saw

5. travelled 6. visited 7. stayed

8. watched 9. went 10. found

11. looked 12. took 13. came

14. had 15. gave 16. felt 17. left

III. WHILE-LISTENING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (18’)

Activity 2: Find the past forms of these verbs in the diary. Which verbs are irregular? Listen and check. (5’)

- Ask students to find the past forms of the verbs and decide which are regular and irregular.

- Play the audio for students to listen and check their answers.

- Check answers with the class.

  • Activity 3: PRONUNCIATION Regular past simple verbs. Listen and repeat the verbs. (5’).

- Play the audio and point out the different ways of pronouncing the past simple ending.

- Play the audio again, pausing after each verb for students to repeat.

- Check answers with the class.


• Activity 4: (4’) Listen to eight more verbs and add them to the table in Exercise 3. Practice saying them.

- Play the audio.

- Ask students to listen and add the verbs to the table.

- Allow students time to compare their answers in pairs, then play the audio again for them to check.

- Check answers with the class.

• Activity 5: (4’) Listen to Jade’s time travel diary. Put pictures A-H in the correct order.

  • Play the audio. Students listen and put the pictures in the correct order.
  • Check the answers with the class.

  • Find the past forms of the verbs and decide which are regular and irregular.
  • Listen to the audio.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

- Listen to the audio and point out the different ways of pronouncing the past simple ending.

- Check the answers with the teacher.

  • Listen and add the verbs to the table.
  • Compare the answers in pairs.
  • Check answers with the teacher.
  • Listen and put the pictures in the correct order.
  • Check answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers:

Come-came, eat-ate, explore-explored, feel-felt, find-found, get-got, give-gave, go-went, have-had, help-helped, leave-left, look-looked, meet-met, see-saw, stay-stayed, take-took, travel-travelled, visit-visited, watch-watched

The irregular verbs are: see, go, leave, meet, feel, have, find, come, give, take, get, eat

Suggested answers:

Suggested answers:

/t/: watched, looked

/d/: talked, explored, travelled, listened

/id/: started, wanted

Suggested answers.

C, F, E, B, A, D, G, H

IV. POST-LISTENING. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (10’)

  • Activity 6: USE IT! Work in pairs. Describe a journey using five of the verbs in Exercise 2. (10’)

- Put students into pairs to describe a journey. Point out that the journey doesn’t have to be a real one, and they can use their imagination.

- Ask some pairs to tell the class about their journey.

- Ask whose journey sounds exciting.

  • Work in pairs to describe a journey.
  • Present to the class.

- Vote for the exciting journeys.

Suggested answers.

Students’ own answers

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

V. Homework

  • Learn by heart all the phrases.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 26.
  • Prepare the next lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS







Week: Planning date:





Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions; Regular and Irregular Verbs


1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

- Patterns: Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions; Regular and Irregular Verbs

2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to describe recent past events in personal life.

3. Skills:

  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.

4. Attitude: be confident to describe recent past events.

5. Competences:

  • Identify the rules of Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions; Regular and Irregular Verbs.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
  2. Students: textbooks, notebooks.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs, inductive grammar learning.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

  • Divide class into 2 groups. One group is “noughts” (O) and the other is “crosses” (X).
  • Ask students to use “simple past tense” to talk about past events.
  • Ask students to take turns and select the boxes and make sentences with those words/ numbers. The group makes the correct sentence will get an (O) or (X).
  • Declare the winner group which has 3 Os or Xs on a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.
  • Play the game in groups.
  • Select the boxes and make sentences with those words/ numbers.

Past Activities Last Night

Watch TV

Visit Nha Trang

Listen to music

Go to the gym

Go to the park

Play video games

Go fishing

Eat pizzas

Play football

E.g.: My mom watched TV.

His brother visited Nha Trang.

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

• Activity 1: Lead-in (3’)

- With books closed, write on the board some of the past verb forms from page 38.

- Put students into pairs and ask them to write the infinitive forms of the verbs.

- Check the answers and elicit that the forms on the board are in the past simple form.

• Activity 2: (7’) Choose the correct option a or b. Then check the answers in the text on page 38. Choose the correct words in the Rules.

- Ask students to work in pairs to choose the correct options.

- Check answers with the class.

  • Ask students to read and choose the correct words in the Rules.

- Check answers with the class.

  • Answers some eliciting questions.
  • Work in pairs and write the infinitive forms of the verbs.
  • Listen to the explanation.
  • Work in pairs to choose the correct options.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Complete the rules.
  • Check answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers

1a 2b 3b 4a


1. the same

2. base

3. base

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)

Activity 2: (5’) Order the words to make sentences and questions.

- Ask students to order the words to make sentences and questions.

- Correct the sentences with the class.

Activity 3: (5’) PRONUNCIATION Rhythm and intonation.

- Explain the rules of Rhythm and Intonation for students.

- Ask students to read the sentences in Exercise 3, paying attention to rhythm and intonation.

- Play the audio for students to listen and check.

- Ask students to repeat.

Activity 4: (5’) Regular and Irregular Verbs. Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

- Ask students to complete the text with the correct past simple forms.

- Check answers with the class and elicit which verbs are regular and irregular.

  • Order the words to make sentences and questions.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  • Read the sentences in Exercise 3, paying attention to rhythm and intonation.
  • Listen to the audio and check.
  • Repeat the sentences.
  • Complete the text with the correct past simple forms.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers

1. Did Jade talk to her grandparents?

2. Did you like rice or noodles?

3. Jim visited Nha Trang last summer.

4. Where did your parents meet?

5. We didn’t play football yesterday.

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers.

Suggested answers

1. travelled

2. took

3. arrived

4. didn’t have

5. started

6. didn’t have

7. got

8. didn’t play

9. lost

10. wasn’t

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)

Activity 5: (13’) USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your recent past events.

- Read out the example and point out to students that when they answer the questions, they will need to use the correct past simple forms.

- Put students into pairs to ask and answer the questions.

- Encourage them to ask more questions.

- Ask some students to report back to the class.

  • Listen to the examples.
  • Work in pairs to ask and answer their questions
  • Report back to the class.

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers.

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 27.








Week: Planning date:






- Vocabulary: revision

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to give opinion on past events.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : speaking and listening skills.
  • Sub skills : reading and writing skills.
  1. Attitude: Feel confident to give opinion on past events.
  2. Competences:

Know how to give opinion on past events.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group work.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Divide students into 4 groups.
  • Give students strings of words, such as Wherewereyouat8thismorning?, Didyouhaveapizzalastnight?, etc.
  • Ask groups to figure out what the questions are.
  • Check with the class.
  • The groups with the most correct answers will be the winner.
  • Work in groups to figure out what the questions are.
  • Tell the class.
  • Check with the teacher.

Suggested answer:

Wherewereyouat8thismorning? 🡪 Where were you at 8 this morning?

Didyouhaveapizzalastnight? 🡪 Did you have a pizza last night?

II. PRE-SPEAKING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /

Set context: (5’)

  • Ask students to Say three things you did las weekend. Did you have fun?
  • Elicit responses from some individuals.
  • Lead in to the lesson.

- Answer the questions.

- Listen to their friends’ answers.


Say three things you did las weekend. Did you have fun?

Students’ own answers.

III. WHILE SPEAKING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’)

Activity 1: (5’) Choose the correct words in the dialogue. Then watch or listen and check. What did Mark do? Did Sarah have a good weekend?

- Ask students to read the dialogue and choose the correct words to complete it.

- With weaker classes, students could work in pairs for this.

- Play the video or audio for students to watch or listen and check their answers.

- Check answers with the class, then ask the questions about Mark and Sarah and elicit the answers.

Activity 2: (5’) Cover the dialogue and complete the Key Phrases. Watch or listen again and check.

- - Put students into pairs and ask them to cover the dialogue in exercise 1.

- - Students read the key phrases and try to complete them from memory.

- Play the video or audio again for students to check their answers. Check answers with the class and check that students understand all the key phrases.

Activity 3: (5’) Practice the dialogue with your partner.

- Ask students to work in pairs and practice the dialogue.

- Correct any mistakes.

Activity 4: (5’) Cover the dialogue and the Key Phrases. Complete the mini-dialogues. Listen and check. Practice them with partners.

  • Put students into pairs and ask them to cover the dialogue in Exercise 1 and the key phrases.
  • Ask students to complete the mini-dialogues with the correct words.
  • Play the audio for them to listen and check their answers. Play the audio again and tell students to listen carefully to the pronunciation and intonation.
  • Ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Read the dialogue and choose the correct words to complete it

- Listen the audio to check the answers.

- Watch the video and answer the questions about Mark and Sarah.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Work in pairs and ask them to cover the dialogue in exercise 1.

- - Read the key phrases and try to try to complete them from memory.

- Listen and check the answers.

- Practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Practice in front of the class.

- Listen to the teacher’s feedback.

  • Work in pairs and ask them to cover the dialogue in Exercise 1 and the key phrases.
  • Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct words.
  • Listen to the audio and check the correct answers.
  • Listen again, paying attention to the intonation and pronunciation.
  • Practice the dialogue in pairs.

Suggested answers

1 How

2 ago

3 do

4 brilliant

5 friends

6 was

Mark played football and got a haircut. He met some friends for a picnic on Sunday.

Sarah's weekend wasn’t brilliant. She stayed at her friend Jenny’s house, but Jenny was sick so she didn’t sleep much and was too tired to do anything on Sunday.

Suggested answers

1. your weekend

2. bad

3. do you

4. great

5. cool

6. was

7. brilliant

8. like

9. fun

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers.

Suggested answers

1. was your

2. bad

3. What do you

4. Very

5. did you do

6. What was it

7. It wasn’t

IV. POST SPEAKING. T - Ss - T/ S - S /.

Activity 5: (13’) Use it! Work in pairs. Read the situation. Practice a new dialogue about your weekend using the Key Phrases.

  • Ask students to work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue.
  • Ask students to wrap roles and practice the dialogue again.
  • Ask some students to perform the dialogue to the class.


  • Work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue.
  • Wrap roles and practice the dialogue again.
  • Perform the dialogue to the class.

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers.


  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all key phrases.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 31.








Week: Planning date:




UNIT 3: THE PAST - LESSON 7: WRITING (Pre -While-Post)



- Vocabulary: revision

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write about a special event.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : writing and reading skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: be confident to write about a special event.
  2. Competences:
  • Know how to order events in the past, using sequencing words.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





  1. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Divide class into 2 groups.
  • Pin two pieces of paper with a short text in it on the board.
  • Ask one member of the groups go to the board to read and remember one or some sentences from the text. They then dictate the sentences for the other members to write down.
  • The group with the most correct sentences will be the winner.
  • Work in groups.
  • Go to the board to read and remember one or some sentences from the text.
  • Dictate the sentences for the other members to write down.

Suggested answer:

My last weekend was exciting. First, I went to a big shopping mall with my parents. Then, we watched a film in the cinema. […]

II. PRE-WRITING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (10’)

Set context: (5’)

  • Ask the questions to the class, What special days or events do you celebrate with your friends and family? and elicit answers from individual students.
  • Ask more questions to encourage students to say more, e.g. What do you usually do to celebrate? Do you eat a special meal? Do you take photos to help you remember the event?

Activity 1: (5’) Read the text. Why did Jack’s parents have a party? Who did not enjoy the party?

- Ask students to read the text and answer the questions, then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers with the class.

  • Think and answer the questions.
  • Read the text, answer the questions, then compare the answers in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answer:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers.

They had a party because Jack’s sister and her boyfriend decided to get married. The dog didn’t enjoy the party.

III. WHILE-WRITING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)

Activity 2: (5’) Complete the Key Phrases from the text.

- Ask students to complete the key phrases with words from the text.

- Check answers and check that students understand all the phrases.

Language point: Sequencing

Activity 3: (5’) Read the text again and find the sequencing words.

- Ask students to find the sequencing words in the text.

- Check answers with the class and check that students understand all the words.

- Elicit or explain that we use these sequencing words to make it clear in what order things happened.

Activity 4: (5’) Look at the sequencing words in bold and put sentences A-E in the correct order. Which word describes the beginning of an event, and which word describes the end?

- Ask students to put the sentences in the correct order.

- Check answers with the class.

- Elicit which word describes the beginning of an event, and which describes the end.

  • Complete the key phrases with words from the text.
  • Check answers with the teacher.
  • Find the sequencing words in the text.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  • Put the sentences in the correct order.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers.

1 last July 2 twenty 3 We all 4 evening

Suggested Answers:

First , my mum …, after that we cooked…, then Dad started…, Finally, at about…

Suggested Answers:

1C 2A 3D 4E 5B

First is used at the beginning of an event and finally is used at the end.

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)

Activity 5: Use it! Follow the steps in the writing guide. Ask and answer the questions for part B with your partner.

- Read the task with the class.

- Students answer the questions and plan their text.

- Read through the paragraph structure with the class.

- Ask students to write their paragraphs. Remind students to check grammar and spelling carefully.

  • Read the task.
  • Answer the questions and plan their text.
  • Write paragraphs.
  • Check their grammar and spelling carefully by themselves.

Suggested Answers:

Students’ own answers

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 29.



Week: Planning date:







- Vocabulary revision

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to talk about a festival in their country.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: be confident to talk about a festival in their country.
  2. Competences:
  • Talk about a festival in their country.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Give students some lists of words and ask them to cross out the one that is different from the rest.
  • Go around the class to support students.
  • Check students’ answers.

- Listen to teacher.

- Cross out the word that is different from the others.

- Correct the answers with teacher.

- Listen to teacher

Suggested answers:

- rice, noodles, pumpkin, car 🡪The odd-one-out is car.

II. PRE-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /


Activity 1: Check the meaning of the words in the box. Then look at the pictures and answer the questions. (5’)

- Ask students to check the meaning of the words in the box.

- Ask them to answer two questions about the pictures.

Activity 2: (5’) Read and listen to the text and check the answers to Exercise 1.

- Ask students to read and listen to the text.

- Check answers with the class.

III. WHILE-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /


Activity 3: (10’) Read the text again and answer the questions.

- Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions.

- Give the correct answers.

Activity 4: (10’) YOUR CULTURE Choose a festival in your hometown / city. Then ask and answer the questions with your partner.

- Allow students time to prepare their ideas individually.

- Put them into pairs to ask and answer the questions.

- Ask some students to tell the class something they learned about their partner.

IV. POST-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /


Activity 5: USE IT! Write a short description (35-50 words) of a festival in Vietnam. Use the answers in Exercise 4 to help you.

  • Let students write a text as an assignment and collect their papers after some days.
  • Choose the best writings and hold a small exhibition in the class.

- Check the meaning of the words in the box.

- Answer some questions.

  • Read and listen to the text.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

- Read the text again and answer the questions.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Prepare the ideas individually.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

- Report back to the class.

- Write a text (35-50 words) describing your use of English in daily life.

- Check grammar and punctuation carefully.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers.

Suggested answers:

1. People are celebrating Thanksgiving party. They are eating turkey and potatoes.

2. The event in Picture B took place in 1621.

Suggested answers:

1. On Thanksgiving Day, people eat turkey, corn, potatoes and pumpkin pie.

2. The Pilgrims arrived American in 1620.

3. Many settlers died in the first winter because they were very cold and didn’t have enough food.

4. A native American leader visited the settlers and his people showed them how to grow corn and vegetables and hunt animals for food.

5. The Pilgrims invited the Native Americans to the first Thanksgiving meal.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers.

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare the next lesson “Puzzles and games”.








Week: Planning date:






- Vocabulary: revision

- Grammar: revision

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to talk about past events.

2. Skills:

  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.

3. Attitude: be confident to write talk about past events.

4. Competences:

Use correct vocabulary and grammar points talking about past events.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (7’)


  • Brainstorm a list of regular verbs and then have your students sort them into three groups /-id/, /-t/ and /-d/.

- Check with the class.

- Listen to teacher.

- Sort the verbs into the correct groups.

- Check with the teacher.

Suggested answers:

/-ed/: visited, wanted

/-d/: stayed, travelled

/-t/: helped, watched

II. PUZZLES AND GAMES. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /

Activity 1: Use the code to find the first and last letters of adjectives about people and places. Write the adjectives, and match them with their opposites. (9’)

- Point to the example and explain that students have to use the code to find the first and last letters of the adjectives, then complete them and match them to their opposites.

- With weaker classes, you could allow students to work in pairs. With stronger classes, you could do it as a race.

- Check the answers.

Activity 2: MEMORY GAME. Work in groups. Follow the instructions. (7’)

- Focus on the pictures with the class and check that students know the words for all the things.

- Read out the instructions.

- Divide the class into groups of three. Explain that two people will play the game, and the third person will be the referee.

- Allow students 20 second to look at the pictures, then ask them who will be playing the game to close their books.

- They take it in turns to say what objects there were. The referee confirms whether their memory is right.

- Players continue until one of them can’t remember any more objects.

- Students can swap roles and play again.

Activity 3: Complete the crossword with the past tense of the verbs in the ‘Across’ and ‘Down’ spaces. (9’)

- Ask students to complete the crossword.

- Check answers with the class. As an extension, students could write a sentence using each of the verbs in the past simple form.

Activity 4: (9’) TELLING A STORY. Work in teams. Follow the instructions

- Read out the instructions and check that students understand what they have to do.

- divide the class into teams of seven or eight students. Students follow the instructions and build up their story. Ask each team to tell their complete story to the class.

- Complete the puzzle.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Listen to the instructions.

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions.

- Follow the instructions.

- Complete the crossword.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Work in teams and follow the instructions.

- Tell the class their stories.

Suggested answers:

1 boring - exciting

2 tiny – enormous

3 kind – cruel

4 useful -useless

5 alive -dead

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers:

Across: 1. travelled 5. felt 6. gave 7. met

9. explored

Down: 1. took 2. visited 3. left

4. stayed 8. found

Suggested answer

Students’ own answers

III. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare Unit 4.








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