. Write a short paragraph about a type of pollution

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Fresh water is the most important source of life on the earth. Any living thing may survive without food for days however it is impossible to imagine life without water and oxygen. The ever increasing human population enhances the demand of more water for purposes like drinking, washing, performing industrial processes, irrigating crops, arranging swimming pools and other water-sports centres. Water pollution is done by the people of all over the world because of increasing demands and competitions of luxuries life. Waste products from many human activities are spoiling the whole water and decreasing the amount of oxygen available in the water. Such pollutants are altering the physical, chemical, thermal, and biological characteristics of the water and adversely affecting the lives inside as well as outside the water.

When we drink the polluted water, harmful chemicals and other pollutants goes inside our body and deteriorates all the body organs functioning and puts our lives in danger. Such harmful chemicals also disturb the lives of animals and plants greatly. When plants absorb dirty water through their roots, they stop growing and die. Thousands of seabirds are killing because of the oil spilling from ships and industries. High level of water pollution is done due to the chemicals coming out of the agricultural usage of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. The effect of water pollution varies from place to place upon the type and amount of water contamination. The degradation of drinking water needs an urgent basis prevention method which is possible by the proper understanding and support from the end of each and every person living on the earth.

Soil, or land pollution is soil contamination that prevents the natural growth and balance of the land. Pollution can be present in land used for cultivation, habitation, or as a wildlife preserve. Some soil pollution is deliberate, such as the creation of landfills. However much of soil/land pollution is accidental and can have widespread effects. Soil pollution sources include: Hazardous waste and sewage spills, Non-sustainable farming practices, such as the heavy use of inorganic pesticides, Strip mining, deforestation, and other destructive practices,Household dumping and littering.