Write a paragraph about the natural disaster in your country. giúp e gấp vss

2 câu trả lời



• – Check for local flood warnings if your area is at risk: look online or call Floodline.
• – Tune in to the local radio or television news for updates. Alert your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable people.
• – Prepare an emergency kit, including emergency numbers, insurance policy, first aid kit, torch and water.
• – Use our home emergency contacts sheet so you have the numbers you need to hand, even if you lose power.
• – Have a list of irreplaceable items to keep safe and put important personal documents into a sealed bag.
• – Pack essential items you will need if evacuated – medication, clothing, toiletries and items for children.
• – Purchase unfilled sandbags and sand from builders’ merchants. Remember that, if there is a flood, demand may exceed supply – as people will rush to buy them.
• – Empty freezers and refrigerators, leaving doors open.
• – If you can, move any vehicles to higher levels.
• – If you have time, take photographs before you leave. This may help later with insurance claims.
• – Turn off the mains power and water, and take mobile phones and chargers with you. Put sandbags in toilet bowls to prevent sewage back-flow.
• – Shut windows, lock doors – and don’t forget to take your pets.

In August 1971, a terrible flood occurred in the North. It has killed many people, destroyed crops and killed farmers' cattle. Causing huge damage to the economy for Vietnam. Everyone felt scared and ran away during the flood. Houses have been submerged, leaving residents without a place to live. The flood is also listed as the largest flood in the world. Fortunately, the government has helped the people so they can overcome difficulties.

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