What you will do when you find a read treasure map in old book (what / why / how / who / when / where ) in about 100 word ; then write about : What are you going to you when you are 22 year old (what / why / how / who / when / where ) in about 100 Words

2 câu trả lời

Đoạn 1:

When I was walking along a path in the jungle, I saw something bright. Oh, it's a treasure map, it'll show my way to the treasure. It looks so ancient, seems to have been around for a long time and no one has found this treasure map. Then I seem to have seen and read this in an old book, which is amazing. I will research and study the treasure map right away!

Đoạn 2:

Only about 10 years from now I will be 22 years old. By then, many things will change a lot. At that age, I plan to make many new friends, travel with family, best friends ... And of course England - one of the places I've always wanted to go. Hope the upcoming 22 will be full of joy.


E.x 1 :

I don't know how to says. When do I can find a read treasure map in old book ? Not now. It's just like to be a detective to find something you have to find. How can I find the things I have to find ? You can call you friends or your family to help. Why I says it to you ? Because I just like to says, if you can do !
E.x 2 :

When I am 22 years old, I would like to do everythings I wish when I was a kid. But it's usually hardship to do my works. Where do I go when I go study abroad. I go to England to study abroad. But we can't know what happened in future. It's usually bad for your days. I think !

I don't know how to write. Sorry !


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