VIII. Write: 1. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it. The time machine........... 2. Keeping the environment clean is very important. It’s ............... 3. To see this film is very boring. It’s ........... 4. To understand these lessons is not easy. It’s............ 5. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals. Old car tires ...... 6. People cut the bottles into small pieces. The bottles.......... 7. People mix the small pieces with certain chemicals. The small pieces ....... 8. People heat the mixture into pasty liquid. The mixture............... 9. People blow the liquid into new bottles. The liquid............ 10. People recycle used plastic things to save natural resources. Used ............ 11. We are going to clean the environment. We are ready. We are .......... 12. Keeping people from littering is very difficult. It is ...... 13. She must empty he kitchen garbage. She is not pleased. She is ... 14. Being able to live in a clean environment is lucky. It is ..... 15. They hear about the plan to collect the used boxes. They are surprised. They are ........

1 câu trả lời

1. The time machine will be shown to the public when they finish it.

2. It's very important to keep the environment be cleaned.

3. It's boring to see this film.

4. It's not easy to understand these lessons.

5. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.

6. The bottles are cut into small pieces.

7. The small pieces are mixed with certain chemicals.

8. The mixture is heated into pasty liquid.

9. The liquid is blown into new bottles.

10. Used plastic things are recycled to save natural resources.

11. We are ready to clean the environment. (?)

12. It is difficult to keep people from littering.

13. She is not pleased to empty the kitchen garbage.

14. It is lucky to be able to live in a clean environment

15. They are surprised to hear about the plan to collect the used boxes.

- Chúc bạn học tốt !!!!!!!!

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