VIII. What can I do to help stop the coronavirus? Put a tick () for good habit or bad habit. Good habit Bad habit 41. Wash my hands 42. Stay home when I am sick 43. Eat a sandwich before I wash my hands 44. Share my drink with a friend 45. Cough/ sneeze into my elbow or tissue 46. Shake hands 47. Touch my face 48. Get lots of sleep 49. Eat healthy food 50. Go to the movies when I have a cold

2 câu trả lời

VIII. What can I do to help stop the coronavirus? Put a tick () for good habit or bad habit.  

41. Wash my hands Good habit

42. Stay home when I am sick  Bad habit ( you should call doctor to help you)

43. Eat a sandwich before I wash my hands  Good habit

44. Share my drink with a friend  Bad habit

45. Cough/ sneeze into my elbow or tissue  Good habit

46. Shake hands  Bad habit ( because it will help spreading the virus )

47. Touch my face  Bad habit

48. Get lots of sleep   Bad habit ( you should sleep enough and do some exercise instead )

49. Eat healthy food  Good habit

50. Go to the movies when I have a cold  Bad habit ( because someone can be infected by your sickness )

41 . Good habit

42 . Bad habit

43 . Good habit

44 . Bad habit

45 . Good habit

46 . Bad habit

47 . Bad habit

48 . Bad habit

49 . Good habit

50  . Bad habit


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