VII. Using the provided word and reorder into the correct sentences it/ here/ your/ house/ How far/ from/ to/? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39.straight/ Go/ turn/ and/ ahead/ right/ ................................................................................................................... VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 41. Apple juice is her favorite drink. →She ………………………………………………………………………………..... 43.How much is a bowl of noodles? → How much does …………………………................................................................? 44.There are many students in our class. → Our class …………………………….................................................................. 45.Why don’t we sing an English song? →What about ……………………………………………………………..…......................?

2 câu trả lời

38. How far is it from here to your house?

⇒Cấu trúc hỏi khoảng cách: How far is it from … to …

39. Go straight ahead and turn right.

⇒Cụm từ go straight ahead: đi thẳng, turn righr: rẽ phải


41. She likes apple juice 

⇒she số ít nên like thêm s, 

43. How much does a bowl of noodles cost

⇒Câu hỏi giá: How much do/ does + S + cost?

44. Our class has many students

⇒ our class số ít nên dùng has

45. What about singing an English song 

⇒What about + V-ing + N...?

`38`.How far is it from here to your house ?

`\rightarrow` Hỏi về khoảng cách : How far is it + from N1 + to N2 ?

`39`.Go straight ahead and turn right

`\rightarrow` Thì HTĐ : S + V s / es / không s , es

`41`.She likes apple juice

`\rightarrow` Thì HTĐ : S + V s / es / không s , es

`43`.How much does a bowl of noodles cost ?

`\rightarrow` Hỏi giá : How much + do / does + N + cost ?

`44`.Our class has many students

`\rightarrow` Thì HTĐ : S + V s / es / không s , es

`45`.What about singing an English song ?

`\rightarrow` What about + V-ing ?

`\text{@ TheFox}`

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