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Environmental pollution is one of the most pressing problems facing the world today. Our living environment is seriously polluted. Oh dear, we can see everywhere the black canals are filled with garbage, stinking. Perhaps, in the not too distant future, garbage will occupy all of our land and living area. And the earth - our green planet will only be a black color of garbage. It's time for us to save the environment, our own lives!.

The human environment is a broad concept. It is the living space of people and creatures. It is shaped like a sheltered roof from the prehistoric era, spanning the Middle Ages to the present and beyond. The environment is what surrounds us including land, water, climate, living things, etc. where people can breathe out, there are trees to shade, there is land to live in.) There are two types of environment. : Natural environment (available in nature) and artificial environment (man-made). Our lives will be greatly damaged if each person is not aware of the protective living environment. The environment plays an important role in determining our survival. The other kind of nucleus says it can't exist without the environment. The environment serves human requirements with its available natural resources. Places are like our foster mothers, always pampering, providing the very best for the tiny percentage.It was not a living thing, but its size and influence were immense. Environment, sometimes peaceful, sometimes pleasant, sometimes resentful, angry. The environment will sweep away everything that exists, letting them disappear into nothingness if we do not care to protect it. As modern technology develops more and more, don't think that nature is no longer as great as it used to be. Human - the smartest animal on the planet, how irresponsible to the environment? Polluted environment. The situation of environmental pollution is getting more and more serious when life is developing more and more (indiscriminately littering the environment, polluting water sources; waste from vehicles, ..) indiscriminately cutting down forests, not Planting trees to cause forests (leading to landslides, floods, desertification, etc.) Waste from untreated factories is discharged directly into the environment (perforating the ozone layer causing rain, wind, storms, floods, etc.) ) affects the quality of life, the health of each individual, both now and in the future.Respiratory diseases, cancer will be more and more common, etc. Economic life will also become more difficult because of that, etc. We have been, are and will have to suffer extremely serious consequences. , which greatly affects the health, human life, economic and political development of the country. The Formosa disaster polluted the marine environment in a series of central provinces; Landslides buried houses in the southwestern provinces and the northern mountainous provinces, etc. All the consequences of environmental pollution have had a huge impact on everyone's life. As a cycle, people cause pollution, they will also bear the consequences. Contribute efforts, join hands to protect the environment, maintain general hygiene in the village, starting from the smallest actions. Propagating about the harmful effects of environmental pollution, actively mobilizing people to litter in the right places. Strictly penalize those who violate the regulations. Therefore, from now on, each of us, especially students - the future generation of the country, should be aware of the role of the environment in our lives and have a responsibility to protect the common home of the people type.Starting from good habits in daily life: keeping the neighborhood, village, house and place clean, not littering and consciously recycling waste, actively planting green nursery trees. - Light up life, use energy sparingly on earth, propagandize everyone to participate in environmental protection, have sanctions to punish acts that pollute the environment, etc. A small act, but thousands and millions of people as one loving and caring for nature, our world will be different. Let the earth always be a beautiful, green planet in the vast universe!


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