viết từ đúng trong ngoặc: 1. If the local people drink the contaminated water, they (have)__________ health problems. 2. If the sun (shine)________________ , we will walk to the mountain. 3. All the aquatic animals will die________________ if people (not stop) dumping sewage into the lake. 4. Your brother (have) hearing problems if he (listen)_________________ to too loud music. 5. She (be) __________________ angry if she (hear) __________________ this tomorrow. lúc giải mn không cần chép đề đâu.

2 câu trả lời

1. If the local people drink the contaminated water, they will have health problems.

2. If the sun shines , we will walk to the mountain.

3. All the aquatic animals will die if people don't stop dumping sewage into the lake.

4. Your brother will have hearing problems if he listens to too loud music.

5. She will be angry if she hears this tomorrow. 

1. will have

2. shines

3. don't stop

4. will have - listens

5. will be - hears

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