VIẾT THƯ PHẢN HỒI:You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully. Dear Mr and Mrs Donald, I am Beth Scarlet, your next door neighbour, writing to express my concern about the noise your dog makes at night. I intended to write to you a few days ago but waited patiently with the hope that the dog would stop barking loudly at night and will save me from writing a letter that sounds like a complaint letter. I am hoping that you would resolve the issue. For more than a week your dog has been yelping aloud at night and I have no idea why! Just when I send my daughter to her bed, who is a school-goer and try to close my eyes, I can hear the deafening noise and this deters me from falling asleep. I have to get up before 6.00 am to prepare breakfast for my family, then take my daughter to her school and finally drive to my office. Interrupted sleep or lack of sound sleep leaves me dizzy the next day and this hurts my performance in my office. You are great neighbours in every aspect and I am sure you will feel my stress regarding this. I do not own a pet and cannot advise you what should be done but I guess taking the dog to a specialist might be a good idea. Yours sincerely, Beth Scarlet

2 câu trả lời

Dear Mrs. Beth Scarlet,

I am so sorry for the trouble that my dog causes for you. Thank you for telling me this. Because we let the dog sleep near the garage, we can not hear it barks loudly, which annoys you all the time. 

I promise I will take the dog to a specialist to find out the reason why it barks at night and we will not allow it to sleep near to your house. I hope you will have a good sleep and have a nice day without being bothered by my dog.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Beth Scarlet
I am sorry my dog. Me and my dog ​​went to the doctor.
It is no longer barking at night. I want to give you a cake I just made to apologize and I want to be a good neighbor to you.
 New neighbor
     Hana Rie

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