viết 3 đoạn văn ngắn khác nhau ít nhất 80 về nguyên nhân - hệ quả của 1 loại ô nhiễm ở địa phương em

1 câu trả lời

  There are four causes of water pollution. Firstly, it is the daily amount of domestic wastewater in these cities that is estimated at about 600,000 m3 per day, on average, about 250 tons of waste is discharged into rivers in the Hanoi area while they are not treated. which is dumped directly into ponds, lakes and big rivers, causing continuous pollution to take place.
Secondly, the amount of wastewater from factories, production facilities, slaughterhouses or hospitals is increasing day by day. On average about 7000 m3 of wastewater is released every day but only about 30% of it is treated. There are many production facilities that do not have a wastewater treatment system or have but are just to cope and have no effect in treating wastewater.
Thirdly, the system of parks and amusement parks sprang up like mushrooms, while the amount of waste in these areas has not been resolved, leading to water pollution and greatly affecting people. in the surrounding areas. Consequences of water pollution. The areas of ponds, lakes and rivers in Vietnam are being seriously polluted, people in these areas do not have enough clean water for daily use as well as for main irrigation activities. It greatly affects the living conditions of people.
When using contaminated water will lead to the emergence of many pathogens. The most serious consequences of this situation are the increasing number of people suffering from conjunctivitis, cancer, diarrhea, the number of deaths is increasing, especially children in areas with polluted water sources. . The areas of ponds, lakes and rivers in Vietnam are being seriously polluted, people in these areas do not have enough clean water for daily use as well as for main irrigation activities. It greatly affects the living conditions of people. When using contaminated water will lead to the emergence of many pathogens. The most serious consequences of this situation are the increasing number of people suffering from conjunctivitis, cancer, diarrhea, the number of deaths is increasing, especially children in areas with polluted water sources. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                       @namkhang08

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