-Viết 1 đoạn văn khoảng 5 đến 7 câu giới thiệu về 1 quốc gia -Viết đoạn văn về Washington D.C Vt tiếng anh nhé vt khoảng 5 câu đc r

2 câu trả lời

The country of Vietnam was established under a 1949 agreement between Bao Dai (the former emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty) and the French President. There is a view that this agreement is illegal, because Bao Dai resigned from August 25, 1945 and is only an ordinary citizen, so he has no legal status to act on behalf of the country. compromised with France (the legal representative of Vietnam at that time was the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam chaired by Ho Chi Minh and was waging the resistance against France). The establishment of the State of Vietnam was seen as a guise of French colonialism, to establish the puppet government to legalize the invasion of Vietnam. [2] Because of his compromise with France, Bao Dai was sentenced to treason by the court of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1948.

Washington, D.C., formally the District of ColumbiaWashington had an estimated population of 681,170 as of July 2016. Commuters from the surrounding Maryland and Virginia suburbs raise the city's population to more than one million during the workweek. The Washington metropolitan area, of which the District is a part, has a population of over 6 million, the sixth-largest metropolitan statistical area in the country.

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