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Cell phone, You are the one of the most important things in my life. You keep me in touch with my family and friends. Even if I don’t want to text I can always call or go on the internet to contact my friends that don’t have a cell phone. Cell phone, you are a wonderful thing to have because you can help me when I am lost.

Everytimes i have a free time, i can play games with you or listen to music, read news, even i can learn everything on the internet via yours.

I would never ask you to change better. However, if you do, I would like a version of you that looks better and are more thin, enough for my hands. I want you to become an iphone 6. I would like you gold or white.

I can’t go one day without you, contacting my friends and family is so important to me. I can text or call anyone, anywhere when I have you in my hands. Cell phone, without you, I would sit at home waiting for the phone to ring, or even go into my room and look for someone I want to call. With you I can have my plans, contacts and information all in one thing and not lose anything. I just want to say, I am so thankful to have you

When I was seven, I got my first teddy bear from my grandmother, and it was my favorite thing of all time. I named it Dorere because I really loved to watch Doraemon at that time, but lately I realized that it was such a silly name.

It is not an ordinary teddy bear, but it is a huge one with many beautiful details. At the time I got it, it was even bigger than me, and I always said that it was my guardian when I went to bed. I have keeping it in a very good condition, and a part of it is also because it has good quality. It is made in America, and my grandmother had to spent a quite amount of money on it. The fur is smooth and very fluffy, it has a beautiful golden brown which is not faded through time. It wears a blue and white stripe T shirt with a big pink ribbon on its neck. That T shirt can be taken off, so my grandma and I had made many different outfits for it. So far it has two dresses, three T shirts, countless ribbons, and a pair of shoes. All of them are not as beautiful as the original one, but they are the effort of both of us. It has big round sparkling eyes, and I usually took my father’s glasses to put on it. When I was young, we often played roles game in which I was the knight and it was a devil monster. However, later at night I hugged it to bed and pretended that it was an angel to protect me from the ghost.

I had many nice memories with Dorere, and until now it is still my best friend. I love it very much, and I will always take a really good care of it.

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