VI. Arrange these words to make complete sentence. 1. the/ help / fresh / does / to / fridge / the / keep / vegetables? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. library / yesterday / in / reading / time / Tuan / was / at / this. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. to / clean / like / keep / our / would / we / tidy / rooms / and. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. please / like / more / would / have / cakes / I / some / to. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. our / of / what / school / do / new / think / you? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. like / something / would / drink / I / to. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. did / sad / his / why / parents / Nam / make? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. you / go / would / where / vacation / to / on / like? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. when / she / her / was / arrived / friends / speaking / the / on / phone. __________________________________________________________________________

1 câu trả lời

1. Does the fridge help the vegetables to keep fresh?

2. Tuan was reading in library at this time yesterday.

3. We would like to clean and keep our rooms tidy.

4. I would like to have some more cakes, please.

5. What do you think of our new school?

6. I would like to drink something.

    I would like something to drink.

7. Why did Nam make his parents sad?

8. Where would you like to go on vacation?

9. When she arrived, her friends was speaking on the phone.

     When she was speaking on the phone, her friends arrived.