Từ nhận xét ở mục đ nêu nhận xét về độ dài của ngày so với đêm ở hai nửa cầu trong ngày 26/6. Giải cho em với

2 câu trả lời

-Vào ngày 26/6 và 22/6, các địa điểm ở vĩ tuyến 60 độ 33 phút Bắc và 60 độ 33 phút Nam có 1 ngày , đêm dài suốt 24 giờ.

-Vào ngày 26/6 (22/6), các địa điểm ở vĩ tuyến 60 độ 33 phút Bắc, Nam có 1 ngày, đêm dài suốt 24 giờ.

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3. ____________ is a kind of sauce made from fish. A. hot sauce B. fish sauce C. pepper sauce D. soy sauce 4. ____________ is meat from a young sheep. A. Chicken B. Pork C. Beef D. Lamb 5. _____________ the steak in a little butter. It’s so good. A. Fries B. Fry C. Fried D. Fri 6. We ____________ the sausages on the barbecue. A. grill B. grills C. fries D. fried 7. Americans love ________________________, which are made with grilled beef. A. cheeseburger B. a cheeseburger C. cheeseburgers D. cheese burger 8. Paella is made with _____________, rice and some vegetables. A. seafood B. seafoods C. Eggs D. egg 9. Many people eat ______________ in Turkey. A. rice B. noodles C. Paella D. kebabs 10. Steak-fries is a kind of meat dish made with ___________ and French fries. A. pork B. lamb C. Beef D. chicken Exercise 2. Read the following passage. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage. PANCAKES AROUND THE WORLD Pancake is a popular (1) _____________all over the world. Every country has their own way of making and (2) ____________pancakes. Vietnamese pancake is called banh xeo. It can be big or small but very thin and crispy. Pancakes ore made (3) ____________ rice flour, egg, pork and seafood. People eat them with vegetables and fish sauce for lunch or dinner. In France, a pancake is called a crêpe. These pancakes (4) ___________ large and thin. People always mix flour, egg and milk together. Then they (5)______________ pancakes in a big pan. French pancakes are often served as dessert with fruit sauce, sugar and butter. Pancakes are (6)_________________! 1. A. dish B. dishes C. dishs D. a dish 2. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. to eat 3. A. in B. of C. to D. with 4. A.is B. are C. be D. am 5. A. grill B. fry C. grilled D. fried 6. A. happy B. lovely C. delicious D. salty GIÚP VỚIIII

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