Topic: Nói về 4 loại ô nhiễm đất, nước, không khí, tiếng ồn và cách giải quyết của 4 loại ô nhiễm

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@ Team I love you 

Nowadays, environmental pollution has become more and more serious in Vietnam. We can easily come across images and information about the environment being polluted right in the media. This makes us think ...

The planning of urban areas is not associated with the problem of waste and wastewater treatment, so environmental pollution in big cities, industrial parks and urban areas is at an alarming level.

Out of 183 industrial parks in the country, over 60% of industrial parks do not have a centralized wastewater treatment system. In urban areas, only about 60% - 70% of solid waste is collected, drainage infrastructure and wastewater treatment, waste should not meet the requirements of environmental protection ... Most of the water untreated waste is discharged directly into rivers and lakes and is forecasted to be 510,000m3 / day by 2010. The heartbreaking example of the discharge of wastewater, no one would not know, is the case of the Thi Vai river contaminated by chemicals discharged from the factory of the Vê Dan MSG for 14 consecutive years. The river is seriously polluted affecting the lives of many people around. Or the pollution of Hoan Kiem Lake, a symbol of national culture.

So what is the cause of the above?

First, it is the serious lack of awareness of many people, especially young people. They think that what they do is too small, not enough to harm the environment. Or that the environmental protection is the responsibility of the state, the government and not its. Others think that it is negligible for the environment to be polluted, and that environmental pollution will not affect me much ... But that's not it! Destroying the environment of a person is only a small effect, but a large number of people are large. Although the responsibility to protect the environment is partly state-owned, most of it belongs to the people. What we do to the environment, though we have not seen it now, but in the long run it will affect us more or less.

Another cause of environmental pollution is the irresponsibility of businesses. They set the goal of maximizing profits, many businesses have violated the exploitation process, contributing significantly to environmental pollution. In addition, the government's inadequacy in environmental protection management has also facilitated continued environmental destruction. Vietnam lacks strict environmental protection policies and regulations and is strongly attracting investment capital for development, so it is easy to fall into "pitfalls": becoming a destination for many "dirty" industries. . For example, the steel rolling industry consumes a lot of resources such as soil, water, energy, discharging hazardous waste to the environment. In addition, the increasing number of vehicles she circulates in our country also contributes significantly to polluting the atmosphere.

The soil environment is inhabited by humans and other creatures. Therefore, when the soil environment is polluted, it is very worrying and has serious consequences. There are not enough accurate and complete statistics on noise in Vietnam. According to the research results of the Institute of Health and Occupational Research, Ministry of Health, at 12 main roads and intersections in Hanoi, noise pollution in urban and industrial areas is beyond the allowed level. The first form of polluted environment is water pollution. That is, the water source is physically changed, there is the appearance of foreign substances in solid or liquid form. This variation reduces the diversity of water in the environment, which is toxic to humans and their ecosystems. Air pollution is also the answer for those who are questioning how many types of environmental pollution are present. Understandably, this is the phenomenon of air being contaminated and changing its composition due to strange impurities, odor and no longer clean and fresh as its nature.


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