The time when you can play after finishing your homework ? Mình cần câu trả lời gấp ! Lưu ý : Câu trả lời bằng tiếng Anh !

2 câu trả lời

Homework, in the lower grades, is given for the purpose of helping students retain skill sets that they've either mastered or have been working on during classroom instruction. It is important that the homework assigned be at a level where the child can work independently, without more than occasional adult support. Other than providing a quiet place for the student to work and perhaps some cueing to began homework, the child should do well on their own. If the child is unable to complete the material assigned, either because of the homework's complexity or its' length, then the assignment should be modified. The only exception that I made for this rule, when I was teaching, was my assignment for 10 to 20 minutes of reading per evening. Reading aloud to an adult, a sibling, a neighbor, or a friend was best performed as a social activity.

Is homework beneficial, for lower grade students, if it follows most of the rules above? Yes, as practice is important in the retention or the gaining of academic skills. You are also teaching the student to be self-monitoring and to take responsibility for their own learning. Remember to match the assigned homework to the student's ability level and to gradually increase the time spent on homework as the student moves into higher grades.

Upper grade students benefit from homework for many of the same reasons that lower grade students benefit, particularly the retention and practice of grade-level academic skill sets. Where things change for upper grade students is in the amount of time spent on homework and the addition of term papers, reports, and the practice of skills (math, foreign languages, sciences) as the time necessary to review all subjects for middle and high school increases substantially.

Now comes the grim reality that exists for many of today's students. Many of our students do not have a quiet area in which to study as they are living transiently and move often, or the chaos that surrounds them precludes the ability to work outside of school. Many schools routinely have study halls and/or after school programs for students to complete homework assignments. While the work is not completed at home, the idea is for the student to successfully review information, write papers, or practice skills outside of the classroom.

The time when you can play after finishing your homework ?

Thời gian bạn có thể chơi sau khi hoàn thành bài tập về nhà?


→In free time or specifically, I study from 7 am to 9 am, then I can take a break and play, after studying, I can play