The nurse is giving Long some first - aid ____________________. (instruct) 1 điểm Come by the fire. You must be .. ……………………………………..... to the bone. (chill) 1 điểm Chilly She is very .. …………………………………….. about her mother’s health. (anxiety) 1 điểm The heart pumps ... …………………………………….... around the body. (bleed) 1 điểm Blood Reduce means not buying products which are ... …………………………. (package) 1 điểm Overpackage Each of my friends has a…………………………………….... character. (differ) 1 điểm Different Make sure that the needles are ... …………………………………….... . (sterilize) 1 điểm His speedy ………………………………....... after the operation amazed all the doctors. (revive) 1 điểm Revival I want an ……………………………………....... reply. (immediately) 1 điểm You must make a quick …………………………………….... whether you go or not. (decide) 1 điểm Decide There are a lot of ……………………………………....festivals in Viet Nam. (tradition) 1 điểm Traditionnal My father needs some ...... on which computer to buy. (advise) 1 điểm advise It’s .. …………………………………….. to sit on the plane with nothing to read. (bore) 1 điểm Blank She was ……………………………………….... for days after the accident. (conscious) 1 điểm The . ……………………………………...... of water caused the dam to burst. (press) 1 điểm She has short…………………………………….... hair. (curl) 1 điểm Curly The victim who has a dog bite needs an anti-tetanus ………………………….. . (inject) 1 điểm The film was so boring that she fell……………………………………....... . (sleep) 1 điểm The…………………………………….... she gave last night was marvelous. (perform) 1 điểm A few passengers received serious .. …………………………………….. in the accident. (injure) 1 điểm Trang

2 câu trả lời

1. instruction

2. chilled

3.  anxious

4.  blood






10. decide

11. traditional

12. advise

13. boring 

14. unconscious

15. pressure

16. curly

17. injection 

18. sleeply 


1.  instructions

2. chilled

3.  anxious

4.  blood 

5.  overpackaged

6. different

7. Sterilized

8. revival  

9. immediate

10. decision

11. traditional

12. advices

13. boring

14. unconscious

15. pressure

16. curly

17. injection

18. sleepy

19. performance

20. injuries

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