Rewrite: 1. Work hard and you will pass the exam. - If 2. Do your exercise carefully or you will make mistakes. -> If you 3. You practice your English regularly, or your English does not improve. -> If you 4. Practice your English regularly or your English will not improve. -> If

2 câu trả lời

1. Work hard and you will pass the exam.

- If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

2. Do your exercise carefully or you will make mistakes.

-> If you do your exercise carefully, you won't make mistakes.

3. You practice your English regularly, or your English does not improve.

-> If you practice your English regularly, your English will improve.

4. Practice your English regularly or your English will not improve.

-> If ( Câu 4 giống câu 3 ) 

1, If you work hard you will pass the exam.

2, If you do your exercise carefully, yo wont make mistakes.

3, If you practice your English regularly, your english will be improve.

4, If you practice your English regularly, your english will be improve

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