Rewrite: 1. There is serious water pollution. The factory doesn’t treat its waste well. - If 2. Trees and grasses cannot grow here. The soil is badly polluted. - If 3. Quang works in a noisy environment. His hearing becomes worse. - If 4. The factory is located near our village. There is air pollution and noise pollution. - If 5. The local people have to use water from the polluted river. They don’t have fresh water. - If 6. People throw rubbish in the street.The street doesn’t look attractive. If 7. There are so many billboards in our city. People can not enjoy the view. If

2 câu trả lời

1/If the factory treated its waste well, there wouldn’t be serious water pollution!

2/If the soil wasn’t badly polluted, trees and grasses could grow here!

3/If the environment Quang worked in wasn’t noisy, his hearing wouldn’t become  worse!

4/If the factory wasn’t located near our village, there wouldn’t be air pollution and noise pollution!

5/If the local people had water, they wouldnmt have to use water from the polluted river!

6/The street would look attractive if people didn’t throw rubbish in it!

7/If there weren’t so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view!

Good evenin’! ???

1.If the factory treated its waste well,there wouldn't be serious water pollution

2.If the soil wasn’t badly polluted, trees and grasses would grow here

3.If Mr Quang didn’t work in a noisy environment, his hearing wouldn’t become worse

4.If the factory wasn’t located near our village, there wouldn’t be air pollution and noise pollution

5.If the local people had fresh water, they wouldn’t have to use water from the polluted river

6.If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive

7.If there weren’t so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view

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