Mỗi cấu trúc bị động đặt 4 câu 1 câu khẳng định 1 câu phủ định 1 câu nghi vấn 1 câu WH question

2 câu trả lời

- Hiện tại đơn

 (+) The flowers are watered by my father everyday

 (-) The flowers aren't watered by my father everyday

 (?) Are the flowers watered by my father everyday?

     By whom are the flowers watered?

- Hiện tại tiếp diễn

 (+) The project is being done by the students

 (-) The project isn't being done by the students

 (?) Is the project being done by the students?

     What is being done by the students?

- Hiện tại hoàn thành

 (+) The floor has been cleaned by Jim

 (-) The floor hasn't been cleaned by Jim

 (?) Has the floor been cleaned yet?

      By whom has the floor been cleaned?

- Quá khứ đơn

 (+) The book was read by Marry yesterday

 (-) The book wasn't read by Marry yesterday

 (?) Was the book read by Marry yesterday?

      When was the book read by Marry?

- Quá khứ tiếp diễn

 (+) A cake was being made at 4 pm yesterday

 (-) A cake wasn't being mad at 4 pm yesterday

 (?) Was a cake being made at 4 pm yesterday?

      When was a cake being made yesterday?

- Quá khứ hoàn thành

(+) The book had been taken before we arrived

 (-) The book hadn't been taken before we arrived

 (?) Had the book been taken before you arrived?

     Who had the book been taken before you arrived?

- Tương lai đơn

 (+) A new building will be built in this area

 (-) A new building won't be built in this area

 (?) Will a new building be built in this area?

     Where will a new building be built?

- The plants are watered by Josh

- The dishes aren't washed by Lan

- Was the email sent by Jimmy?

- Who was Mona Lisa painted by?

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