m.n jup e vs ạ 9.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. scientific B. dramatic C. athletic D. domestic (5 Điểm) A B C D 10.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. national B. chemical C. medical D. informal (5 Điểm) A B C D 11.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. consumer B. environment C. electricity D. pollution (5 Điểm) A B C D 12.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. energy B. appliance C. ordinary D. luxury (5 Điểm) A B C D 13.Choose the best answer. I become mayor, I_________________to keep my personal life private. (5 Điểm) A. would try B. tried C. will try D. tries 14.Choose the best answer. The next stage in the____________of television is interactive TV. (5 Điểm) A. development B. develop C. developed D. redevelop 15.Choose the best answer. I checked the car______________signs of damage. (5 Điểm) A. about B. on C. of D. for 16.Choose the best answer. What are you complaining______________? (5 Điểm) A. to B. about C. on D. for 17.Choose the best answer. Everybody has come scope for doing his or her in a more_______________responsible way. (5 Điểm) A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environments 18.Choose the best answer. Will local__________________get employment in the new business? (5 Điểm) A. folks B. civil C. civilian D. inhabitant 19.What (you/do)________________at this time yesterday? (5 Điểm) A. are you doing B. were you doing C. did you do 20.Poisonous gases (pump)___________________into the atmosphere every day. (5 Điểm) A. are pumped B. pumped C. will be pumped 21.I'm not used to (walk) ______________ so far, no I must stop (rest) ________________ for a while. (5 Điểm) A. walk - to rest B. walking - to rest C. be walked - to rest 22.His joke made me (laugh) _____________ a lot. (5 Điểm) A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing

1 câu trả lời

. A. possessions B. unhealthy C. extended D. legalize
 A. protection B. variety C. industrial D. nation
. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. historical
. A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic
. A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric
. A. chemical B. physical C. environmental D. medical

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