II. Complete the sentences, using Comparative/Superlative: 1. My sister thinks she's ​(intelligent) than me, but I don't agree! 2. Avatar is probably ​(bad) film I've seen! 3. What is ​(wet) month of the year in England? 4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are ​(good) than the books? 5. Who is ​(powerful) person in your country? 6. I think Men in Black 1 was ​(funny) than Men in Black 3. 7. Is Angelina Jolie ​(old) than Sandra Bullock? 8. John is ​(nice) person that I know. 9. Don't take that box. It is​ (heavy) one. 10. You have to get down at ​(far) station.

2 câu trả lời

1 . more intelligent

2 . the worst

3 . the wettest

4 . better

5 . the most powerful

6 . funnier

7 . older

8 . the nicest

9 . the heaviest

10 . farthest

1. more illteligent

2. the worst 

3. the wettest

4. better

5. the most powerful

6. funnier

7. older

8. the nicest

9. the heaviest

10. the farthest

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