I. Write the names of the disasters on the line, then match them to the pictures. tsunami earthquake drought avalanche flood tornado mudslide volcanic eruption typhoon wildfire(forest fire) 1. A sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface._________ 2. Hot lava, ash and gases come up suddenly from below the earth’s surface through an opening of a mountain. _________ 3. A mass of snow, ice, and rock that falls down the side of a mountain. _________ 4. A large amount of wet earth that suddenly falls down a hill. _________ 5. A series of large ocean waves, usually caused by an underwater earthquake or a volcanic explosion. _________ 6. A violent tropical storm with very strong winds. _________ 7. A long period of time when there is little or no rain. _________ 8. A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel. _________ 9. A fire that starts in an area of countryside and spreads very quickly. _________ 10. A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. _________ II. Choose the correct answers. 1. The waves of the_________ were so huge that it destroyed everything on the beach. A. tornado B. hurricane C. tsunami D. earthquake 2. Five skiers are missing after the_________ in the Alps. A. drought B. landslide C. flood D. avalanche 3. After the_________ all the houses were left under water. A. flood B. tornado C. typhoon D. mudslide 4. It took firefighters five days to put out the_________. A. hurricane B. forest fire C. tsunami D. drought 5. A period of 3- 4 months without rain will cause a severe_________. A. typhoon B. earthquake C. drought D. flood 6. The_________ picked up the car and threw it 100 meters into the air. That’s an incredibly strong wind! A. tornado B. volcanic eruption C. landslide D. typhoon 7. The_________ shook parts of the region around Tokyo on Saturday. It was 5 on the Richter Scale. A. hurricane B. flood C. earthquake D. tornado 8. _________ occur when a large amount of water causes the rapid erosion of soil on a steep slope. A. Tsunamis B. Tornados C. Avalanches D. Mudslides 9. A big storm in the Pacific is known as a_________. A. avalanche B. typhoon C. tsunami D. tornado 10. Mount Merapi in Indonesia is a famous_________. A. landslide B. typhoon C. volcano D. tornado III. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. debris tornadoes victims mudslide havoc disasters property accommodation supplies flood 1. The_________ was overwhelming and the City was soon drowned. 2. Teams of people are still clearing the_________ from damaged trees and houses after the tornado. 3. Temporary housing can be provided to victims when natural strike. 4. The storm wreaked_________ in the garden, uprooting trees and blowing a fence down. 5. _________can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris. 6. Four people were reported killed when a buried their house. 7. Many people lost their homes due to the earthquake and are staying in temporary _________ until their houses are rebuilt. 8. Food, clean water and medical_________ arrived three days after the typhoon. 9. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or damage_________. 10. The government is sending aid to flood_________. IV. Choose the best response for each sentence. 1. “I saw a roof flying in the storm yesterday afternoon.” -_________” A. Exactly. B. That’s horrible! C. That’s a relief. D. So do I. 2. “The weather forecast says it’s going to rain tomorrow.” - “_________What a pity.” A. Looks great! B. Not at all. C. Sounds good! D. Oh no! 3. “The whole village was submerged in the flood.” - “_________” A. That’s surprising! B. My fault. C. Already. D. That’s awful! 4. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.” - “_________” A. How beautiful! B. Awesome! C. How terrible! D. No problem. 5. “Rescue workers saved a girl trapped in a collapsed school building.” - _________” A. That’s great! B. Good luck. C. How convenient! D. Oh dear! 6. “Forecasters say that the storm won’t move toward the land.” - “_________” A. What a pity! B. Never mind. C. That’s a relief! D. It’s OK. 7. _________ “A tornado blew several cars in front of me off the road and into the trees.” - “_________” A. That’s shocking!B. How cute! C. That’s great! D. Maybe. 8. “Did you know the Amazon rainforest fires have already been controlled.” - “No, I didn’t.” A. What a bad day! B. How wonderful! C. How thoughtful it is! D. Well done

2 câu trả lời

1, Earthquake

2, Volcanic eruption

3, Avalanche

4, Muslide

5, Tsunami

6, Typhoon

7, Drought

8, Tornado

9, Wildfire

10, Flood


1, C. Tsunami

2, D. avalanche

3, A. Flood

4, B. Forest fire

5, C. drought

6, A. tornado

7, C. earthquake

8, D. mudslides

9, B. typhoon

10, A. landslide


1, Accommodation

2, Flood

3, Victims

4, Disasters

5, Tornadoes

6, Mudslide

7, Property

8, Supplies

9, Havoc

10, Debris


1, B. that is horrible

2, D. oh no

3, D. That's awful!

4, C. How terrible!

5, A. That's great!

6, C. That's a relief

7, A That's shocking

8, A. What a bad day!

II. Choose the correct answers 1. C. tsunami => sóng thần

2. D. avalanche => lở tuyết

3. A. flood => were left under water: bị chìm trong nước nên đáp án là A. lũ

4. B. forest fire => put out: dập tắt (lửa) => đáp án là B. cháy rừng

5. C. drought => 3-4 tháng không có mưa sẽ dẫn đến hạn hán (drought)

6. D. typhoon => bão nhiệt đới

7. C. earthquake => Thang Riche (thang đo độ mạnh động đất) nên chọn C. earthquake

8. D. Mudslides => dòng bùn (chảy rất nhanh)

9. B. typhoon

10. C. volcano => núi lửa

11. B. That’s horrible! => thật tồi tệ

12. D. Oh no!

13. D. That’s awful! => Tệ làm sao

14. C. How terrible

15. A. That’s great!

16. C. That’s a relief! => Thật may quá

17. A. That’s shocking

18. B. How wonderful!

19. C. at => be good at sth

20. B. erupted

21. D. lava

22. A. evacuated => sơ tán

23. C. rescuers

24. A. dust

25. B. tornado

26. D. landslide

27. C. floods

28. C. climate change

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