I. Rewrite these sentences with in order to/so that 1. He opened the window.He wanted to let fresh air in. ........................................................................................................................................................... 2. I took my camera.I wanted to take some photos. ........................................................................................................................................................... 3. He studied really hard.He wanted to get better marks. ........................................................................................................................................................... 4. Jason learns Chinese.His aim is to work in China. ........................................................................................................................................................... 5. I’ve collected money.I will buy a new car. ........................................................................................................................................................... 6. Many people left Turkey in 1960s.They wanted to find jobs in Germany. ............................................................................................................................................... 7. She attends to a course.She wants to learn chess. ........................................................................................................................................................... 8. Linda turned on the lights.She wanted to see better. ........................................................................................................................................................... 9. I will come with you.I want to help you. ........................................................................................................................................................... 10. We are going to cinema.We will watch a horror film. ........................................................................................................................................................... 11. You must take your umbrella so that you won’t get wet. ........................................................................................................................................................... 12. He waited at the counter.He wanted to see her. ........................................................................................................................................................... 13. We all put on our coats.We were feeling cold. ........................................................................................................................................................... 14. She’s studying because she wants to become a very important person in life. ........................................................................................................................................................... 15. I didn’t want to see them, so I didn’t open the door. ...........................................................................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

1) He opened the window. He wanted to let fresh air in.(in order to)
He opened the window in order to let fresh air in.
2)I took my camera because I wanted to take some photos.(so that)
I took my camera so that I could take some photos
3)He studied really hard. He wanted to get better marks.(in order to)
He studied really hard in order to get better marks
4)Jason learns Chinese. His aim is to work in China.( to)
Jason learns Chinese to work (be able to work) in China
5) I’ve collected money so that you can travel with us (for…….)
I’ve collected money for you to travel (to be able to travel) with us.
6)Many people left Turkey in 1960s.They wanted to find jobs in Germany.( in order to)
Many people left Turkey in 1960s in order to find jobs in Germany.
7)She attends to a course. She wants to learn chess.(to)
She attends to a course to learn chess.
8)Linda turned on the lights .She wanted to see better.(so that)
Linda turned on the lights so that she could see better.
9)I will come with you .I want to help you.(in order to)
I will come with you in order to help you.
10)We are going to cinema. We will watch a horror film.(to)
We are going to cinema to watch a horror film.
11)You must take your umbrella so that you won’t get wet.(in order)
You must take your umbrella in order not to get wet./ in order that you won’t get wet.
12)He waited at the counter because he wanted to see her.(in order)
He waited at the counter in order to see her/in order that he could see her.
13)We all put on our coats since we were feeling cold.(so that)
We all put on our coats so that we wouldn’t feel cold.

14)She’s studying because she wants to become a very important person in life.

She’s studying in order to become a very important person in life.

15) I didn’t want to see them, so I didn’t open the door.

I didn't open the door in order not to see them.

cho mik tl hay nhất nha chúc bạn học tốt^^

1. He opened the window in order to let fresh air in.

2. I took my camera in order to take some photos.

3. He studied really hard in order to get better marks.

4. Jason learns Chinese in order to work in China. 

5. I’ve collected money in order to buy a new car.

6. Many people left Turkey in 1960s in order to find jobs in Germany.

7. She attends to a course in order to learn chess.

8. Linda turned on the lights in order to see better.

9. I will come with you in order to help you.

10. We are going to cinema in order to watch a horror film.

11. You must take your umbrella in order not to get wet

12. He waited at the counter in order to see her.

13. We all put on our coats in order not to feel cold.

14. She’s studying in order to become a very important person in life. .

15. In order not to see them,I didn’t open the door. ...........................................................................................................................................................

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