I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If you come with me, I (do) _____________ the shopping with you. 2. Wilson (help) his mother in the garden if she shows him how to do. 3. If it (rain) , I will stay at home. 4. Our teacher will be happy if we (learn) ______the poem by heart. 5. If they had enough money, they (buy) _______a new car. 6. We (pass) _______the exam if we studied harder. 7. If Pat (repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us. 8. She would get 100 pounds if she (sell) this old shelf. 9. If I were you, I (invite) Jack to the party. 10. If the weather (be) fine, the children can walk to school. 11. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) for it in the fridge. 12. She (be) ___________ able to walk faster if she did not have such high-heel shoes. 13. I (not buy) _______________things on the installment system if I were you. 14. Dan (arrive) safe if he drove slowly. III. Rewrite the following sentences so that their meaning stays the same, using the words given. 1. There was a loud noise next to my door last night so I couldn’t sleep. (because) 2. The tsunami happened. Many people in this area became homeless. (made) 3. The acid rain happened last month. Many plants and trees died. (Since) 4. There have been conflicts in that country since last year. People live unhappily. (If) 5. This factory doesn’t treat its waste well so there is a lot of water pollution. (If)

2 câu trả lời

1: will do

2: will help

3: rains

4: learn

5: would buy

6: would pass

7: repaired

8: sold

9: would invite

10: is

11: looked

12: would be

13: wouldn't buy

14: arrived


1: I couldn't sleep because there was a loud noise next to my door last night

3: Many plants and trees have died since the acid rain happened last month

4: If there have been conflicts in that country since last year, people would have lived unhappily

5: If this factory doesn't treat its waste well, there will be a lot of water pollution

1.will do

2.will helps



5.will buy

6.would pass



9.will invite



12.would  is

13.would not

14. arrived

1 I could not sleep because there was a loud noise next to my door last night

3 Many plants and trees have died since the acid rain happened last month

4 If there have been conflicts in that country since last year, people would have lived unhappily

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