I).Complete the sentences using the comparative forms of the words in capitals. 1. Your brother is much_________(NAUGHTY)than mine. 2. Slow down! You're _______(FIT) than me and i can't keep up! 3. I think it's a lot _______(COMFORTABLE) to live in a big city. 4. Old people are often _____(WISE) than young people. 5. Tom seems _________(HAPPY) since he moved school. 6. English is becoming _______(POPULAR) 7. If the problem gets any ________(SERIOUS) we need to tell our parents . 8. Rob's feeling much______(WELL) after his illness.

2 câu trả lời

1. naughtier

2. fitter

3. more comfortable

4. wiser

5. happier

6.more popular

7. more serious

8. better

1)more naughty


3)more comfortable


5)very happy




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