I. Combine each pair of sentences, using so that; in order (not) to or so as (not) to. 1. He always drives carefully. He doesn't want to cause accidents. 2. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time. 3. I went to the college. I wanted to sec Professor Taylor 4. She wore warm clothes. She didn't want to get cold. 5. I closed the window. l didn't want anybody to look at my mum. 6 We turned out the lights. We didn't want to waste electricity. 7. He moved to the from row. He could hear the speaker better. 8. I left Dave my phone number. l wanted him to be able to contact me. 9. Thanh and Nga are going to Australia. They want to learn English. 10.We hurried to school. We didn’t want to be late.

2 câu trả lời

1.He always drives carefully in order not to cause accidents.

2.Please arrive eraly so as to be able to start the meeting on time.

3.I went to the college in order to see Professor Taylor.

4.She wore warm clothes so as not to get cold.

5.I close the window so that anybody didn't look at my mum. 

6.We turned out the lights in order not to waste electricity. 

7.He moved to the from row so as to hear the speaker better.   

8.I left Dave my phone number so that he can be able to contact to me.

9.Thanh and Nga are going to Australia in order to learn English.

10.We hurried to school in order not to be late.


1. He always drives carefully in order not to cause accidents.

2. Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.

3. I went to the college in order to see Professor Taylor.

4. She wore warm clothes in order not to get cold.

5. I closed the window so that nobody could look at my room.

6. We turned out the lights so as not to waste electricity.

7. He moved to the from row so that he could hear the speaker better.

8. I left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me.

9. Thanh and Nga are going to Australia so as to learn English.

10. We hurried to school in order not to be late.

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