Giúp mình với mình đag cần gấp ạ. Cảm ơn nhiều! Help me Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 11: Traveling Around Viet Nam I. Chọn đáp án đúng: 1. I like the film very much. It’s really (amazed/ amazing ). 2. It’s really ( terrifying / terrified) experience. I will never forget it. 3. I have read a (fascinated/ fascinating ) book. It made me (surprised/ surprising) at the immigrants. 4. Some newcomers are easily (embarrassed/ embarrassing) when they can’t express themselves well in English. 5. During the first few years, many immigrants feel (hindering/ hindered) by their slow economic advancement. 6. Stephan felt (disappointed/ disappointing) very when his visa to the United States was denied. 7. They used to go (fishing/ fished) together when they were young. 8. Many baseball players from the Dominican Republic are (excited/ exciting) when they are selected to play for a U.S. team. 9. (got / getting) stuck in the traffic, Sarah knew she was going to be late for work. 10. (Made / making) in Japan, the car was on sale at a very competitive price. II. Chọn đáp án đúng 1. I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not very interesting / interested in art. 2. I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really amazing / amazed when I was offered it. 3. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting / disgusted . 4. Do you easily get embarrassing / embarrassed ? 5. The film was disappointing / disappointed . I expected it to be much better. 6. Helen finds her job boring / bored. She wants to do something different. 7. It was a really terrifying / terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking / shocked III.Complete the sentences, using the following verbs in the correct form. (Hoàn thành câu, sử dụng dạng đúng của các động từ sau.) live invite ring offer call 1. I was woken up by a bell . 2. A lot of the people to the party cannot come. 3. Life must be very unpleasant for people near busy airports. 4. A few days after the interview, I received a letter me the job. 5. Somebody Jack while you were out. IV. Using the verb in parentheses, fill in the blank either with if I + Past tense or with the –ing form of the verb, as appropriate. 1. A: It’s cold in here. Would you mind (close) ………….the window? B: Not at all. I’d be glad to. 2. A: It’s cold in here. Would you mind (close) ………….the window? B: Not at all. Go right ahead. I think it’s cold in here, too. 3. A: Would you mind (take) ………….the book back to the library for me? B: Not at all. 4. A: This story you wrote is really good. Would you mind (show) ………….it to my English teacher? B: Go right ahead. That’d be fine 5. A: I’ll wash the dishes. Would you mind (dry) ………….them? That would help me a lot. B: I’d be happy to. 6. A: I’m feeling kind of tired and worn out. This heavy work in the hot sun is hard on me. Would you mind (finish) ………….the work yourself? B: No problem, Grandpa. Why don’t you go in and rest? I’ll finish it up. 7. A: Would you mind (use) ………….your name as a reference on this job application? B: Not at all. In fact, ask them to call me. 8. A: Would you mind (wait) ………….here for just a minute? I need to run back to the classroom. I forgot my notebook. B: Sure. Go ahead. I’ll wait right here. 9. A: I need to look up the meaning of the word “stationery”. Would you mind (borrow) ………….your dictionary? B: No, I don’t mind. I’m not using it right now. 10. A: Since this is the first time you’ve owned a computer, would you mind (give) ………….you some advice? B: Not at all. I’ll appreciate it.

2 câu trả lời








7.terrifying / shocked


1. if I closed

2. if I closed

3. if I took

4. if I showed

5. if I dried

6. if i finished

7. if i used

8. if i waited

9. if i borrowed

10. if i gave


1. amazing

2. terrifying

3. fascinating / surprised

4. embarrassed

5. hindered

6. disappointed

7. fishing


9. getting

10. Made








7.terrifying / shocked


1. if I closed

2. if I closed

3. if I took

4. if I showed

5. if I dried

6. if i finished

7. if i used

8. if i waited

9. if i borrowed

10. if i gave

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