Fill each gap with a suitable adjective below . Two words are not needed Artificial peaceful vast sparlling Courteous jubilant powerful warmer kind-hearted shimmering well-cut leaning 1. The . . . Mulu Caves in Sarawak is a tourist attraction 2. ... hotel receptionists help to project the image of a hotel 3. The ... Tower of Pisa is a well-known landmark 4. A lighthouse needs a ... light 5. See the ... diamonds on display at the Gem Exhibition 6. Tim looked distingoished in the ... suit that he wore to the dinner 7. She is such a ... person that she often takes in stray animals 8. Certain species of birds migrate to ... areas during winter 9. The ... hockey players celebrated their victory with a dinner 10. I used to live a ... pinturesque village.

1 câu trả lời

1. vast : to lớn, rộng lớn

2. Courteous : lịch sự

3. leaning ~ nghiêng

4. powerful : mạnh mẽ, hùng mạnh

5. sparkling : lấp lánh (đề bài nên sửa sparlling -> sparkling)

6. well-cut ~ cắt may kĩ lưỡng (được làm kĩ lưỡng -> có thể đắt)

7. kind-hearted : tốt bụng, nhân hậu

8. warmer : ấm hơn

9. jubilant : vui sướng, hân hoan

10. peaceful : yên bình