Exercise 2: Use the words to make sentences. 1. Ann/ write/ letter/ room/I/ come in. 2. George/get/ ready to go out/have/ free time. 3. Carol/ Dannis/ Have/ lunch/we/ arrive. 4. Tom/make/ phone call/ Sally/ do/ exercise. 5. It/ begin/ to rain/ I/walk home. 6. He/ sit down/ chair/l/ paint/ door. 7. he/run/ for a bus/he/ collide/ with a post. 8. His hair/ catch/ fire/ he/ cook/ chips. 9. He/ hold/ beautiful vase/he/ drop/it. 10. he/ sit/ garden/ a bee/ sting/ him/ on his nose. Exercise 3: Put the verbs in the brackets in the past or past continuous tense. ... Last summer I (1, stay) in London with my friends Sue and Dennis. One day Sue and Dennis (2, do) ... something and I was alone in the house. I (3, decide) .. to have a bath. I (4, go) ... to the bathroom and (5, turn on) ... the taps. Then while the bath (6, fill up) ., I (7, go) .. to the bedroom. Unfortunately, while I (8, lie) .. on the bed, I (9, fall) ... asleep. I had a very strange dream. I (10, sail) a boat along a river, when suddenly I (11, come) ... to a waterfall. The water (12, make)... a terrible noise. While I (13, struggle) ... to stop the boat, I (14, wake up) .. I (15, hear) a noise downstairs. Sue and Dennis (16, come) .. into the house. Then I (17, realize) ... that I could still hear the waterfall. It was the bath, of course. I (18, jump off) ... the bed and (19, run) ... to the bathroom. There (20, be) ... water everywhere. Mình đang cần bài gấp ,mọi người giúp mình với ạ ,mình cảm ơn nhiều ạ

1 câu trả lời

Exercise 2:

1, Ann was writing a letter in the room when I came in.

2, George gets ready to go out when he has free time.

3, Carol and Dannis were having lunch when we arrived.

4, Tom was making a phone call while Sally was doing exercises.

5, It began to rain when I was walking home.

6, He sat down on a chair when I was painting the door.

7, He was running for a bus when he collided with a post.

8, His chair caught fire when he was cooking chips.

9, He was holding a beautiful vase when he dropped it.

10, He was sitting in the garden when a bee stung him on his nose.

Exercise 3:

1, stayed

2, did

3, decided

4, went

5, turned on

6, was filling up

7, went

8, was lying

9, fell

10, was sailing

11, came

12, made

13, was struggling

14, woke up

15, heard

16, came

17, realized

18, jumped off

19, ran

20, was

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