Ex1: Read and number the sentences in the correct order. It begins with 0. ________A: Bob: I lived in a small and pretty town near London. ________B: Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi? ____0___C: Bob: Good morning, Miss Hien. I’m Bob from England. I’m your new pupil. ________D: Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Where did you live in England? ________E: Bob: I live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake. Ex2: Order the words. 1; You / do / live / where/? => ____________________________________________________________________ 2: Your / is / what / address/? => ____________________________________________________________________ 3: Is / your / new / like / place / what/? => ____________________________________________________________________ 4: Hometown / what / is / your / like/? => ____________________________________________________________________ 5: Lives / city / a / he / crowded / in/. => ____________________________________________________________________ Ex3: Fill in the blank with a suitable word: “What, Who, How often, How much, How many, How, Which, Where, What time” 1:__________________is there to eat? - There is some meat. 2:__________________beef do you want? 3:__________________does she fly kite? - She never flies kites 4:__________________are those potatoes? - They are 5000 d 5:__________________do you go swimming? - Once a week 6:__________________students are there in the class? - 30 students 7:__________________is Ha’s nationality? 8:__________________old is your father ? 9:__________________grade are you in? 10:__________________does she live with? – She lives with her parents. 11:__________________does she live? – She lives at 50 Hang Dao street. 12:__________________do you go to bed? – At half past ten.

2 câu trả lời

Ex1: Read and number the sentences in the correct order. It begins with 0.

____2___A: Bob: I lived in a small and pretty town near London.

____3___B: Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi?

____0___C: Bob: Good morning, Miss Hien. I’m Bob from England. I’m your new pupil.

____1___D: Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Where did you live in England?

____4___E: Bob: I live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake.

Sau khi đánh dấu xong thì đoạn nói chuyện sẽ như sau:

Bob: Good morning, Miss Hien. I’m Bob from England. I’m your new pupil.

Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Where did you live in England?

Bob: I lived in a small and pretty town near London.

Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi?

Bob: I live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake.

Ex2: Order the words.

1: You / do / live / where/?

=>Where do you live?__________________________________________________

2: Your / is / what / address/?

=>What is your address?________________________________________________

Còn lại mik bít làm!

------------------*Chúc bạn học tốt*------------------

Ex1: Read and number the sentences in the correct order. It begins with 0.

____2___A: Bob: I lived in a small and pretty town near London.

____3___B: Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi?

____0___C: Bob: Good morning, Miss Hien. I’m Bob from England. I’m your new pupil.

____1___D: Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Where did you live in England?

____4___E: Bob: I live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake.

Sau khi đánh dấu xong thì đoạn nói chuyện sẽ như sau:

Bob: Good morning, Miss Hien. I’m Bob from England. I’m your new pupil.

Miss Hien: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Where did you live in England?

Bob: I lived in a small and pretty town near London.

Miss Hien: And where do you live now in Ha Noi?   ,

Bob: I live in a beautiful and quiet house near West Lake.

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