Ex1: Read and circle the best answer A, B, C or D. Tuan, my close friend, will go to Ha Noi tomorrow. He will go there by train. It will take him 2 days to go there by train. His cousin, Nam will meet him at the railway station. Tuan will stay in Ha Noi for a week, and then his cousin will take him to Sa Pa for 3 days and to Ha Long Bay for 4 days. After the journey to Ha Long, he will return to Ho Chi Minh City. Tuan will be very happy because he can visit many beautiful places this summer. 1. How will Tuan go to Ha Noi? A. by train B. by bus C. by plane D. by taxi 2. Who will meet him at the railway station? A. his close friend B. his cousin C. his classmate D. his brother 3. Tuan will be away from home for_______. A. a week B. two weeks C. three weeks D. more than two weeks 4. Right after the journey to Sapa, he will _______. A. come back home B. visit his cousin C. return to Hanoi D. go to Halong bay 5. He will be very happy because he _________. A. goes anywhere he likes C. goes away with his close friend this summer B. has a lot of fun D. can visit many beautiful places this summer Ex2: Circle A, B, C or D for the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. A. none B. son C. come D. home 2. A. cow B. show C. how D. now 3. A. fun B. gun C. June D. sun 4. A. book B. school C. choose D. afternoon 5. A. math B. tenth C. brother D. theater Ex3: Vocabulary and grammar: Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences 1. He runs _________than his brother. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slowest 2. They usually go to the beach________it is sunny. A. what B. when C. who D. that 3. She learns English because she wants________with her foreign friends. A. talk B. talked C. to talk D. talking 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? – It will be ________ and ________. A. snow/ windy B. snowy/ windy C. snow/ wind D. snowy/ wind 5. Staying healthy will ______you happy. A. made B. making C. make D. makes 6. His father always______coffee instead of having breakfast. A. drink B. drinks C. is drinking D. are drinking 7. Nam ate a lot of fried food so he __________fat quickly. A. get B. gets C. got D. is getting 8. Lisa and Bob are _________ a snowman in the snow. A. cooking B. chatting C. playing D. making 9. What’s the matter with you? – “_______” A. I have a toothache C. You shouldn’t wash your hair. B. I’m making cakes D. You should brush your teeth. 10. John likes stamps. He is a stamp __________. A. collect B. collecting C. collector collection Ex4: Reorder the words given to make correct sentences 1. walked/ My/ brother/ school/ yesterday/ to/ morning/. => ........................................................................................................................................ 2. yesterday/ was/ at/ studying/ 3.20 p.m/ He/. => ........................................................................................................................................ 3. they/ to/ visit/ weekend/ Are/ their/ going/ grandmother/ this/? => ........................................................................................................................................ 4. father/ in/ What/ your/ free/ often/ does/ do/ time/ his/ ? => ........................................................................................................................................ 5. her/ than/ taller/ Jane/ is/./ sister/ => ........................................................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời










Ex1: Read and circle the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. A: By train

2. B: His cousin

3. B: Two weeks

4. D: Go to Halong bay

5. D: Can visit many beautiful places this summer

Ex2: Circle A, B, C or D for the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.

1. D: Home

2.  C: How

3. C: June

4. A: Book 

5. C: Brother

Ex3: Vocabulary and grammar: Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. A: Fast

2. B: When

3. A, B, D: Talk, talked, talking

4. Cả 4 đáp án đều đúng

5. A: Made

6. A: Cooking 

7. A: Get

8. D: Making

9. A: I have a toothache 

10. D: Collect [Bạn quên ghi D kìa!]

Ex4: Mik ko bít làm, nó khó quá!

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