Ex 2. Rewrite the sentences, using so. 1. Because Hoa was rich, she could buy that house. 2. Because the rain was so heavy, I couldn't go to school. 3. His father asked him to go stay at home because he was sick 4. Because there was an accident, I was late. 5. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were bad. 6. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick. Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given. 1. Because Hoa was rich, she could buy that house.( Because of) 2. Because the rain was so heavy, I couldn't go to school.(because of ) 3. His father asked him to go stay at home because he was sick. (Because of) 4. Because there was an accident, I was late.=> because of 5. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were bad. (Because of ) 6. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick. (because of ) 7. She went to bed early because she felt tired.( Because of) 8. Ann didn’t go to the circus with betty because she had a bad cold. (Because of ) 9. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard and methodically. (because of ) 11. Margaret stayed home because her mother was sick. (Due to) 12. I like him because his father is kind to me. (due to) 13. I can’t study because it is noisy. ( owing to) 14. I can’t eat these fruits because they are green. ( because of) 15. The train came late because it was foggy. ( Owing to)

1 câu trả lời

1. Hoa was rich so she could buy that house.
2.  the rain was so heavy so  I couldn't go to school.
3. he was sick so his father asked him to go stay at home  
4.  there was an accident so  I was late.
5. her grades were bad so she failed the University entrance exam  
6. mary was sick so she didn’t go to school yesterday  
Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given.
1. Because of being rich, hoa could buy that house.

2. Because of the heavy rain , I couldn't go to school.
3. His father asked him to go stay at home because of being sick.
4. Because of the accident, I was late.=> because of
5. She failed the University entrance exam because of her bad grades 
6. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because of being sick. 
7. She went to bed early because of feeling tired.( Because of)
8. Ann didn’t go to the circus with betty because of having a bad cold.
9. John succeeded in his exam because of working  hard and
11. Margaret stayed home  due to magaret's mother sickness
12. I like him due to his father's kindness. 
13. I can’t study owing to the noise. 
14. I can’t eat these fruits because of their greenness. 
15. The train came late owing to the fog ( sương mù ). ( Owing to)

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