Dear lan, Thank you /much /presents /you /send/while /i/ be /hospital. They /wonderful/ and they /really help/ cheer /up. I /come out/ hospital /Friday morning. You/ come over / play /weekend? Because i very bored now. I /look forward /see /soon, Your friend,

2 câu trả lời

Dear Lan,

Thank you so much for the presents that you sent while I was in the hospital

They was wonderful and they really help me to cheered up

I will come out the hospital at Friday morning

Will you come over to play this weekend ?

Because I very bored now

I am looking forward to see you soon

yor friend,

.thank you very much for the flowers you send me while I was in the hospital

. They were beautiful  and they really helped to cheer me up

. I am coming out of the hospital on thursday morning

 Will you come over to my place at weekend because I am very bored now

. I am looking forward to seeing you soon 

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