Conditional sentences /TYPE 2 (if + past simple / would +infinitive) 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. 1. What --------------------(you /do) if you --------------------(witness ) a car accident? 2. I ----------------------(go) to see the doctor if I -------------------(be) you. 3. If the government -----------------------(find ) good solutions , there-------------------------(not/ be ) so much unemployment. 4. If I ----------------------(be ) you , I -----------------------(not/ quit ) my job! 5. If so many students ---------------------( not / be ) absent for illness, we -------------------------(not / change) the date of the exam. 6. How --------------------------( you/ feel) if you -------------(win ) the lottery? 7. What --------------------------- (your father / do ) if he -----------------(be) fired? 8. If Laura ----------------------(take) part in “The Voice “ , she-------------------------------------( probably / win) !!! 9. If Mum -------------------- (stop) smoking , she ----------------------(feel) much better. 10. Many of us -------------------------(get) better school results if we------------------------(not / spend ) so much time on social networks!! 11. If our maths teacher --------------------(not / work) so much , he --------------------------(be) more relaxed and less strict with us!! 12. If we -----------------------(not/ live) in the capital , our life --------------------------------(be) far less stressful !! 13. If I -----------------(win) the lottery, I ------------------------(buy) a large house in the countryside and I ---------------------(stop) working! 14. If I -------------------------(be) a politician, I ----------------------------(reduce) all the taxes!!! 15. If I ------------------( feel) that tired , I ------------------ (go) on holidays. 16. What ------------------------(you / do) if you --------------------(find) a wallet full of money in the street? 17. We ----------------------( ask) the police to have a look on our house if we ------------------------(leave ) it for a long period. 18. “Mike, if you -----------------------(go) to bed earlier , you -------------------------------(not / feel) so exhausted now!! 19. If you ------------------(make) too much noise in the evening , the neighbours next door ------------------------(complain)! 20. We -------------------(send) our pen friends e-mails if we----------------(know) their addresses!

2 câu trả lời

1 -witnessed

2 would go - were

3 found - wouldn't be

4 were - wouldn't quit

5 didn't absent - wouldn't change

6 would...feel - won

7 - was

8 took - would probably win

9 stopped - probably / would feel

10 would get - didn't spend

11 didn't work - would be

12 didn't lived - would be

13 won - would buy

14 were - would reduce

15 felt - would go

16 - found

17 would ask - left

18 didn't go - wouldn't feel

19 made - would complain

20 would sent - knew


1. would witnessed

2.would go/were

3. found/ would not be

4.were/wouldn't quit

5. weren't/wouldn't change

6. would/won

7. were

8.took/would probably win

9. stopped/ would feel

10. would get/did not spend

11.didn't work/would be

12. didn't live/would be

13.won/would buy would stop

14. were/would reduce

15.felt/would go


17. would ask/ left

18. went/would not feel

19. made/ would complain

20. would send/ knew