Complete using the correct form of the words in bold type. REDUCE SENSE MOTOR VARY RISK CRIME, MURDER CONCLUDE POSSIBLE, DIE SOMEONE TO WATCH US There has been a significant (1) ............................... in police popularity in the last few years. That’s why this week a public relations campaign is being launched to make people more (2) ............................... to the role of the police officer. The ads will stress that police do more than just give (3) ............................... speeding tickets. They often act as unofficial social workers, visit schools and talk to students, familiarising them with traffic signs and warning them of (4) ............................... dangers. Being a police officer is (5) ................................, considering that every day they deal with (6) ............................... such as thieves and even (7) ................................ In (8) ................................, the campaign wants to make the public realise that even though in some cases the police’s approach may seem extreme, they cannot ignore the (9) ............................... of injury or even (10) ............................... while on duty.

1 câu trả lời


1. reduction

2. sensitive

3. motorists

4. various

5. risky

6. criminals

7. murderers

8. conclusion

9. possibility

10. death

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