Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If we________ (not recycle) paper now, we’ll need to cut down more trees in the future. 2. If the local people________ (have) fresh water, they wouldn’t have to use polluted water. 3. What________ (happen) if radioactive material was not handled properly? 4. If we recycle more household waste, there________ (be) less damage to the environment. 5. If we________ (not understand) environmental problems, we would not be able to do anything about them. 6. If the polar ice-caps melted completely, Sea levels worldwide________ (rise) about 60 metres. 7. The amount of plastic in the ocean________ (increase) if we________ (not take) action now. 8. These fish________ (not die) if the factory ________ (not dump) its toxic waste into the river. 9. There ________ (not be) enough oxygen if we ________ (not protect) the rainforests. 10. If I ________ (be) the President, I ________ (ban) billboards in cities in order to reduce visual pollution.

2 câu trả lời

 1. don't recycle

2. had had

3. would happen

4. will be

5. didn't understand

6. could rise

7. will increase - don't take

8. wouldn't have died - hadn't dumped

9. won't be - don't protect

10. were - would ban

1. don't recycle

2. had

3. would happen

4. will be

5. didn't understand

6. would rise

7. would increase/ didn't take

8. would not die/ didn't dump

9. won't be/ don't protect

10. were/ would ban

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