. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. 1. I think you should use energy efficient light bulbs. If I_________________________________________________________________ 2. He produced a great idea for our environmental project. He came_____________________________________________________________ 3. Because she was absent from the meeting, she didn’t know the resolution. Because of___________________________________________________________ 4. I won’t take part in the volunteer program because I don’t have enough free time. If I_________________________________________________________________ 5. We need to reduce our plastic waste, otherwise we’ll threaten our own existence, If we________________________________________________________________ vote 5 sao nheee

2 câu trả lời

1. If I were you, I would use energy-efficient light bulbs.

2. He came up with a great idea for our environmental project.

3. Because of her's absence from the meeting, she didn't know the resolution.

4. If I had enough free time, I would take part in the volunteer program.

5. If we reduce our plastic waste, we won't threaten our own existence.


1. If I were you, I would use energy efficient light bulbs.

2. He came up with a great idea got our environmental project.

3. Because of being absent from the meeting, she didn't know the resolution.

4. If I had enough free time, I would take part in the volunteer program.

5. If we reduce our plastic waste, we won't threaten our own existence.

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