Combine the two Simple sentences into a completex sentences using the suggested word in brackets; 1) that woman has gone away.she worked here last month ( relative pronoun) >>.... 2) ít rained very heavily.they went out whit their friends (although) >>>....... 3) the weather is very bad but they continued climbing thể mountains (despite) >>..... 4) the plane leaves at 7 a.m l am taking to Hanoi ( relative pronoun) >>>...... 5) she was I'll she tried her best to complete the assignment (in spite of) >>..... 6) Mr Ba is over seventy.He is still very strong (relative pronoun) >>.... Giải giúp m nha ?

2 câu trả lời

1. That woman, who worked here last month, has gone away

2. Although it rained very heavily, they went out with their friends

3. Despite the weather is very bad, they continued climbing there mountain

6. Mr. Ba, is still very strong, is over seventy.


1. That woman who worked here last month has gone away.

2. Although it rained very heavily, they went out with their friends.

3. Despite the bad weather, they continued climbing the mountain.

4. The pane which I am taking to Hanoi leaves at 7 a.m.

5. In spite of being ill, she tried her best to complete the assignment.

6. Mr.Ba , who is still very strong, is over seventy.

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