Chuyển những câu sau thành câu bị động với chủ ngữ câu bị động như gợi ý: C1: The waiter brings me this dish -> I am brought ........ -> This dish is brought.......... C2: Our friends send these postcard to us -> We are sent ............ -> This postcard is sent............ C3: Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother -> This train ticket was ........... -> His mother was...... C4: You did'nt show me the special cameras -> I was'nt showed............. -> The special cameras were............... C5: The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer -> These boxes were........... -> The customer was............. C6: Have you sent the Christmas cards to your family? -> Have the Christmas cards been..................? -> Have your family been.............?

2 câu trả lời

Chuyển những câu sau thành câu bị động với chủ ngữ câu bị động như gợi ý:

C1: The waiter brings me this dish

-> I am brought this dish by the waiter.

-> This dish is brought to me by the waiter.

C2: Our friends send these postcard to us

-> We are sent these portcard by our friends.

-> This postcard is sent to us by our friends.

C3: Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother

-> This train ticket was ordered for his mother by Tim . 

-> His mother was ordered this train ticket by Tim.

C4: You did'nt show me the special cameras 

-> I wasn't showed the special cameras by you. 

-> The special cameras weren't showed me by you.

C5: The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer

-> These boxes were handed to the customer by the shop assistant.

-> The customer was handed these boxes by the shop assistant.

C6: Have you sent the Christmas cards to your family?

-> Have the Christmas cards been sent to your family by you ?

-> Have your family been sent the Christmas cards by you ?


- this dish by the waiter

- to me by the waiter


- these portcard by our friends

- to us by our friends


- ordered for his mother by Tim

- ordered this train ticket by Tim


- the special cameras by you

- not showed me by you


- handed to the customer by the shop assistant

- handed these boxes by the shop assistant


- sent to your family by you 

- sent the Christmas cards by you 

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