Chuyên gia tiếng anh giúp mình topic nói về cả 4 loại ô nhiễm đất, nước, không khí, tiếng ồn và giải pháp cho từng loại ô nhiễm với (60 từ là được)

2 câu trả lời

1 Environmental pollution is a phenomenon of natural environment being polluted, and the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the environment are altered, causing harm to human health and other organisms [1]. Environmental pollution is mainly caused by human activities. In addition, pollution is caused by a number of other natural activities that affect the environment.

2 Noise pollution or noise disturbance is noise in an environment that exceeds a certain threshold that is annoying to humans or animals. In most countries, the source of noise pollution is mainly from outdoor noise such as vehicles, transport, motor vehicles, aircraft and trains. [1] [2] Outdoor noise can also be summed up from environmental noise.

Ô nhiễm không khí:

Air pollution is mainly caused by the dust from factories. The large chimneys day by day massively emit with a dark smoke color accompanied by an unpleasant odor.Air pollution from domestic appliances is also us: motorbikes, cars, generators, plows, waste incinerators of small households ...

Ô nhiễm nước:

Lack of awareness from some households has caused serious water pollution. Both fresh water and  sea water. In the family of fishing or breeding, a large amount of waste is released into the environment. Both raw waste and domestic wastewater. Even some types of scrap are straight into the river into the sea.

Ô nhiễm đất

Soil pollution is the type of pollution directly affected by water pollution. Soil pollution is caused by solid waste on the surface and in the ground. Chemical substances in waste will change the properties of the soil. The type of soil pollution is mainly due to over-exploitation, excessive use of chemicals in cultivation, mining ... Or due to natural phenomena: Earthquakes, mangroves ...

Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn:

Noise pollution is also a type of pollution that directly affects the lives of people. It may not be modulated and reduced depending on each person's consciousness.

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